Friday, April 25, 2008

Here are pictures of Mike, and me as babies! Who do you think Eliannah Jocelynn looks like most?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tsadakah is ok with the baby. She is jealous of mommy's time and has suddenly become a mommy's girl again instead of a daddy's girl. She also tries to wear her clothes, use her binkie, and steal her burp cloths.

Eliannah Jocelynn
6 lb 12 oz
20 inches

Sunday, April 13, 2008

This was a pivital time for us. Everything was NEW! Mike got a new job, we had to get a new car, we moved to a new town, bought a new house and found out that we were expecting a new baby! This picture is us going out for my birthday in September. It was kind of like a celebration of love because we had been apart for a while waiting to find a place to live so we missed our anneversary. 3 years of marriage! We have been through so much together in that short amount of time.