Monday, September 28, 2009

Wrapping up SummerTime

The Wilbergs had a fun, local, family reunion. These are backwards but the second day, sunday, we went to the Layton Park (Sigh Memories!) It was so much fun! We had a feast and then we had a FHE that was so neat. i really liked that and I hope that we do it again and again for the future!
Here are the cousins playing on a big rock. It was so adorable! I didn't get any pictures where the kids were all looking! bumber!

Here is Eliannah playing in the sand. Oh boy! Both of my girls love to get dirty! it just might be the death of me. lol

Ok so here, the day before, we are at the Heritage Park. I love that place! It is so fun! There are pony rides too. Eliannah looks so cute here in front of the candy store.

This was a completely different time. So when I was out watering our Tomatoe plants i heard some meowing. Thre is an ally way behind my house that my nieghbors say people just abandon their cats at when they don't want the responsibility anymore. It is really sad because the other nieghbors trap the cats and send them to the pound, but they never know if there are a litter of kittens out there waiting for their mommy to come back.
I didn't really know all of this but when I turned around I saw two little kittens who were despereately trying to crawl to me. Their cries were so heart-breaking! i couldn't help but want to help them. I brought them inside and washed them. They really were precious!
But as I tried to feed them I decided that I thought that they came from 2 different litters because one was totally developed enough to know how to drink from a bowl and the other couldn't even drink from a bottle.
Anyways, my kids loved them! We called the Animal shelter because there was no way that we could have taken care of them. They will probably end up putting them down but I believe that is more humane then letting it slowly starve to death because they don't have the nurturing of a mother and the ability to eat. They were such a joy to have in our home for that short time though.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

My dad just had a birthday on the 7th. I wont say how old he turned cause he is sensitive about getting older. Last year he had a pretty crummy birthday so we wanted to do something special for him. We planned a special surprise for him with fresh made tortilla fajitas, watching his favorite movie and a couple musical numbers that we prepared.
My dad works strange hours and you never know when he is getting off. We made him promise to get off by 4 but he didn't. We waited and waited and called and called and no guest of honor!!! We ended up eating dinner without him. We were going to eat the cake without him too when finally he walked in the 8:00!!! Here are the grandkids greating him.

For the musical entertainment we picked a Beach Boys song and changed the lyrics to have him in it. Then my sisters and I dressed in my mom's clothes from the 70's and sang it to everyone. It was so much fun!!! My sisters helped me change the lyrics and they are so talented. My parents laughed so hard as we highlighted the funny moments in our family. left to right: Leah, me, Simcah.

Then it was the kids turn to perform. We dressed them up and had them lipsink to Wild Thing! This is such a funny picture of my niece Lara. Datan is behind her.

Tsadakah actually looks to cute to be a wild thing. I tried to get her to wear something else but that was not happening! She wanted to wear the crazy tu tu only, which you can't even see in this picture. She loves everything that has to do with ballet right now! Much to my pleasure! Behind her you can see Datan again and in the very back is Olivia, who is quiet most of the time but when you ask her to perform she steps up and does it absolutely fabulous!

Here is Eliannah. A sneak peak into what she is being for halloween! She is a monster. And she actually LOVED being wild! She was laughing and laughing. She just loved singing for Pop Pop Steve. Next to us is Simcah with her lil' wild thing, Asher.
Happpy Birthday Daddy! Glad that you are home so that we can be with you for special time like these!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Events without pictures

Ok so I have some stories but I didn't take pictures.

Tsadakah has had issues with the dentists and it has been so frustrating for me. When she turned 3 (in may) I took her to the dentist and they said she had 2 cavities, which totally made me sad! I remember when I first went to the dentist I was like 6 and I had 4. I felt so bad like I had let my daddy down and I was ashamed to come out to the waiting room and tell him that. He was totally loving and kind about it and told me it was ok and really tried to chear me up. Now that I am a parent I understand his perspective better, he was probably feeling bad because he felt responsible for my cavities and I probably broke his heart being so ashamed.

Tsadakah was too young to understand what was going on, but I felt so bad that she had cavities!! So I took her in and the dentist filled one cavity with nothing but laughing gas!!!! No kidding! She did great concidering the cercumstances, but the dentist thought she should go to the pediatric dentist for the other. So I went to them and they wanted to put her under. After a lot of discussion we compromised on the oral sudation. It worked well and I think that she would have done fine with just that and no shot, which was the WORST part!

As we were leaving I noticed some blood on her mouth. I told her not to bite it, we got into the car and by the time we got home I went to get her out and her lip and cheek were hamberger!! I totally over reacted!! I started crying...ok I was balling! I took her inside like she was going to die and wiped her mouth with mouth wash and stuffed it with cotton balls. Then I sat litterally 2 inches from her face for 2 hours to make sure that she didn't bit anymore. She hated that.

By the next day it was swollen to double the size and white and sick looking. I was so sad! It has taken a whole week to get better with me cleaning it after every meal. I am so strict about brushing their teeth now and if anybody gives them candy it is OFF WITH HIS HEAD! Just kidding, but I am really going to do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen again! You can see why I didn't take pictures of this.

On a lighter note, She started dance lessons! I am so excited for it. I think that no matter what it cost I would do it because she loves to dance and perform so much!! last year and the ward talent show she was so excited to get on the stage and do the little dance that I taught her. I was so wrapped up with getting her dressead and there on time that I forgot my camera!!! I was so kicking myself! I guess that you will just have to wait until her first recital.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009