Eliannah Jocelynn aka Elle, Eli Jo, or Eli belly Jelly bean, is now 4 months old.
She is obsessed with her feet! she has a hold of them 24/7 not to mention the pointer finger in the mouth.
Our lovely little lady is a chunky monkey! She is bigger than Sayde was at this age. So adorably rolly polly!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Eliannah 4 months old
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 8:19 PM 4 comments
Mykl just got his "A" which in electrical field is a great accomplishment. His brother, Devin, just passed his journeyman's test. In the electrical field it is like passing the bar exam for layers. He felt so relieved to be done. Becky and I are so proud of our men!
Mykl's new "A" came with some goods. He got a
2$/hr raise! We are so stoked! We can't wait until he gets his next check and we can see how much more it is! He has been working SO hard and I am VERY proud of him. In true Mykl fashion, he is fabulous at everything that he undertakes. He has moved up so fast in his line of work. He is currently going to school and getting way better grades than I ever did, in classes that are way harder too. We celebrated with them at the Olive Garden. It was yummy. Here we are with our girls, Sayde and Eliannah.
This is Tsadakah's cousin Jaxton who is one of her favorite people in the world. She still asks to see him all the time. It was fun to see them together again because they love each other so much
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 7:53 PM 1 comments