Tsadakah is so in love with these pajamas! They Are her favorite thing to wear and she wants to wear them all day long...good thing I don't let her. lol
Sorry, Another messy face picture, but I love it. ha ha. This was a no bake oreo pie. Yummy! Better worn than eaten I guess.
Sayde loves to blow bubbles and I love to watch her. The weather has been so wonderful it has been nice to get outside! Ok I am finally getting around to posting her swim lessons pix. It was like a month ago. lol
So last year we did the mommy and me swim class and she totally excelled...this year...not so much! lol Here she is running away from the instructor. Ha ha. Look at those other little girls staring at her like, "what are you doing?"
She started the first day fine, and then after that, I don't know what happened! The second day she cried and wanted me and screamed through the entire lesson. It was so wierd to me because she has ALWAYS been so independant!
That continued every day for two weeks. Finally in the end I brought a long sleeved shirt and that helped, but she still wasn't as cooperative as the others in her class. *sigh
Here she is practicing the back stroke. This instructor was really amazing! She was the best at getting Sayde to do things.
This is my new friend Brittany. Her son Diesel was in the class with Tsadakah. She was amazing to help me out whenever I need to take care of Sayde she would hold Eliannah. She is awesome! Thanks, Brittany!