Friday, February 20, 2009

Our Valentines Day

Ok so I know that I wrote too much about the book, but I loved it and wanted to share. I also wanted to share what we did for Valentine's Day.

So we went to Chuck E Cheese! lol I have never been there before! I know that it is not the most romantic place in the world, but I loved it! I think that Valentine's Day is about celebrating the love you have for your kids as well as your spouse.
It was really fun, but my favorite part was taking pictues. I am not a pro yet, but I am trying. lol
Then on sunday, Mike and I did a tradition that was passed down from my parents, We made homemade Valentine cards for eachother.
Michael blew me away with his. He worked so hard on it and it is seriously a treasure to me! He wrote the most romantic, elequant poem I have ever read. It is seriously moving!
My husband is by FAR the Best Husband in the World! I love him so much!


Cristina Wilberg said...

I totally agree with on how to celebrate valentine's day. And the pictures are adorable, specially the one of mike and elli.