"Give your children the best of everything money can't buy."
We went camping in Joes Valley for Labor day! It was a lot of fun! Both my sisters, Leah and Simcah, were there with their families, Mike's parents, and Mike's brother Devin with his family. The best part was the food! We had a ton of it and it was dutch oven quality! We mostly sat around lazy and just gabbed. It was a real "vacation."
This is Leah with her youngest of 5, Isaac. I thought this was so cute that he was hugging Eliannah and that she was hugging back!
Me, Simcah (nursing Asher), Anna, Becky (holding Eliannah), Leah (holding Isaac)
One of my favorite things in life is cousins! I LOVE that my sister and I had girls so close! This is Moriella and Tsadakah
Yep, you guessed it! I am potty training! The greatest curse that man has even been given. I just assume leave her in diapers till she is 10 and let her figure it out on her own! Some days I would rather burn her panties than have to clean them. UGG! Anyone have some good tips?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 6:51 PM 0 comments
You don't have the time to sacrifice people who matter most for things that matter least.
"Money can buy a house but not a home, medicine but not health, amusement but not happiness...You need only dream that what you always wished for is what you already have!" I am pretty late in writing it, but we had our four year annaversary on Aug 28th. Here is us before we left for the resturaunt! We went to Groggs, thanks to Devin and Becky's suggestion! It was SOOO GOOOD! If you are ever in Price...and why would you be, but it is so worth it! lol. I truly have everything that I have ever wanted. I am blissfully happy! God couldn't bless my life any more.
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 6:34 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Ok so here is a picture of Mykl, Tsadakah and I all at about 2 years. Who do you think she looks the most like?
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 11:47 AM 3 comments