Happy Halloween Everyone! My favorite holiday has come and gone. *sigh. But we had a really good time celebrating it this month. On the 17th we went to a birthday Halloween party for our nephew Inacio. He turned one! We played the funnest game of Musical chairs that I have ever played! There was also a pinata. Above is a picture of Eliannah as Boo from Monster's Inc. at that party. We also had so much fun cleaning up after the party. ha ha. Some of the helium balloons went up into the ceiling in the gymnasium of the church so the guys used darts to try to pop them.
The night before Halloween we went to a Haunted house which was so much fun! We went with Mike's family and it was very memorable. Here we are just before we went trick or treating! This was the first year that my girls actually went door to door instead of a trunk or treat. Sayde did so well and even little Ellie was doing a good job of saying "Teat, te Teat!" Mike didn't go with us. Our brother in law Chris gave him his extra ticket and they went to the Utah game. It was blackout night and that is why he painted his whole face and head black. He looks so creepy that that to me. Ha ha. Mike, Me as Strawberry Shortcake, Tsadakah as Tinkerbell, and Eliannah as Boo.
This spider is real!!! A woman came over to pick something up and she asked if it was a decoration because it was so big and unique looking. No!!! It is just the scariest thing that I have seen since Arachnophobia! After taking its picture I smashed the crud out of it!! I just hope that it doesn't have a family somewhere close by. Yuck!
Yay, such a fun Halloween! That spider is disgusting though! Ew. But your little girls are so adorable! I love their costumes! I can't wait to do trick or treating with Noelle! How are you feeling with your pregnancy? Everything going well? How far along are you?
Your costumes are all so cute! It sounds like you guys had a fun Halloween. I am glad the trick or treating went well. This was a good year for us too. Kids are so fun!
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