Sunday, February 27, 2011

Valentine's Day, and more

For Valentines Day this year, we kept things quite simple. I want to save all the money we can for our future house! We didn't get presents and we didn't go out to eat, but the one thing that we will always do is homemade Valentine cards. It was wonderful! Tsadakah, being older and artistic, made very cute cards. Ellie's were all scribbles, and MIKE's were special! For Mike I did a few things that didn't cost a thing, like cleaning his garage for him, and other such stuff. For me he got me this flower! My favorite thing ever is a single long stemmed rose. I don't know why, but it seems more romantic to me than a whole dozen.

Can I just tell you how depressed I was when I found this!

I swept off all the chairs as best I could before I tried to clean them, but it was deep in the fibers and it just made a paste, uggg! I have to admit that this wasn't the first time that this has happened, but the other times it was when I was in the morning sickness stages and was laying around, but this time, it was all just me being non observant.

Tsadakah is still so in love with her littlest sister! She is proud of the fact that she can now carry her from room to room. Tsadakah said the funniest thing today, she said: "I changed my mind, I don't want to be an artist when I grow up anymore, I want to be a mommy..." Wow! I was feeling so proud and touched, and then she finishes by saying, "and have boobies just like you!" That is when I started cracking up!!

I took this picture because I wanted to try to get MiKaylah's teeth. She has 2 on bottom and 2 on top, but the ones on top are not the middle ones, they are on the side and it is so cute. It makes me smile!

MiKaylah is 9months now! She is confidently crawling and also standing all by herself. She can stand alone for 8 seconds! It is amazing because my other girls were barely crawling by 9 months. Maybe she will walk before her bday! yaya! She is so darling! She is still sleeping through the night. (knock on wood) and she is eating up a storm, all very different from her older sisters. It is so exciting! It is like having a first child all over again!


Anne said...

So funny about the flour (although you probably don't think so yet)! I killed a vacuum cleaner by vacuuming up a 5lb bag of flour my kids dumped in the living room when they were about 3. I feel your pain! But, you have such adorable, adorable girls!!