My Best Friend, Becky, moved away from us today! It was so sad. She came over to say goodbye and she told me not to cry...but I couldn't help it! She has been such a lifesaver to me these last 10 months that we have lived down the street from each other. We did everything together, including our grocery shopping! Becky, who is going to keep me from day dreaming in the frozen foods section now? I hope that you really like it down there in Price.Don't forget me! These pictures were taken the night of Tsadakah's birthday. We decided against taking a goodbye picture on account of our crying and in work clothes to pack and move. "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." - Sent by Donna Roberts
God made us sister-in-laws, love made us friends. And to all of my other "sista's" out there, I'm so glad that I have had you as a part of my life. Life is a song and we shall sing it.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 1:24 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Heritage Park
Since my family was in town from the blessing we decided to go to the pioneer vilage in Heritage Park. It was such a blast. We were all surprised at all the fun things that there were to do out there. There was horsie rides, petting zoo, wagon rides, tours, and country dancing! Tsadakah had sucha blast! She LOVED riding the horse! I wish I had let her go 2 more times cause she was trying to jump the fence into the corall before it was even her turn!
Before we went to the Heritage Park we had gone to the Liberty Park. They have a splash pad there and it was pretty crouded. There were a lot of pre teens about 11 there who were very intimidating to our little ones, but Sayde was fearless! She was playing right in with them. I was so impressed!
My sister Leah made us, Simcah and I, myan wraps to carry our babies, and let me tellyou what a relief it was to have that. I didn't have Mike with me cause he had to work and I would have had a hard time chasing Sayde down with an infant in arms. It was all such a blast. I was taking so many pictures all day long. I am such a freak.
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Eliannah Jocelynn's Blessing

We blessed our beautiful tinsie tinsie on Sunday! It was wonderful. A lot of family was there and some friends too. We loved seeing everyone and feeling their support!
Michael blessed her with "knowledge that God loves her, and that she would be an inspiration to her family" there were other things too, but those were the things I liked best!
She was blessed in a special gown. My mom hand crochet a dress for me in high school that would be an exact replica of the one I was blessed in. When she found out that I was pregnant and going to have my baby while she was going to be on her mission, she was sad to think that she wouldn't be able to make a dress for her. That is when I reminded her that I had the other one. I also made a slip to go under it. It was so beautiful together.
I bore my testimony on the Plan of Salvation. Then as I was returning to my seat I totally tripped down the stairs! I would have face planted had I not desperately grasped the side wall! Everyone in the audience gasped and the person who had started their testimony after me was interrupted. I was so red faced!
After the meeting we went to our house and had a BBQ. It was so awesome cause we had lots of family in town, like my sister from St George and my brother from Albuquerque. We sat around and told embarassing moments that made us laugh!
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 2:19 PM 0 comments
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