Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 3:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Summer Fun
Here in Tooele we have a mini Heritage park that shows all the buildings that were built here when the pioneers first arived. It is a really cute place and they sometimes have great activities for the kids to do. We went there to take some pictures. And when I say we, I mean my friend Denelle and I. Here is Eliannah on the bridge. Special thanks to Shallece who gave me some artistic photography tips that I used in this picture.
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 6:18 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
My Man!
Ok so I have 2 things to blog about. First, which was actually a month ago, we went HORSEBACK RIDING! It was so totally awesome! We went with our friends, B.J. and Denelle Miner. Thanks Denelle! It was the funnest DATE that we have had in like forever! We got a babysitter...well we had a free one cause a family that Mike did a little electrical help for offered to watch our kids! It was totally awesome! I feel like He woman! Because I actually ran the horse! 3X! Scariest and thrillingest thing of my life! LOVED IT!
Here is My Man on his horse! I totally loved seeing him in such a masculine setting! He was so great with the horses knowing what to do and getting it done and telling me how to do it. He grew up riding horses to heard cows so he had a lot of know how.
Poor Denelle fell off her horse. It was probably my fault because we kept trading back and forth our horses and when I traded I lengthened the stirups on hers and when we traded back they were too long for her so she couldn't get a good foot hold. We all felt bad, but she was tough and didn't even I would have. lol So the other thing that I wanted to blog about was how wonderful Mike is! So I wanted to take pictures for Mike's sister and her fiance and they were coming over. I went to the gym and when I got back Mike had cleaned the entire house for me and was out in the yard mowing (with a push mower mind you), edging it and making the yard as nice as possible for the pictures to be taken!!!
And as if that wasn't enough, after they got there and we had taken the first set of pictures we came in and found that he had done this! Appetizers (Jalapino parmesan cheese dip), ice water, and juice! all in our fancies the way I like it!!! Ohh what a man! It should come as no surprise to anyone that this man's love language is service! I am so appreciative of all that he does for me, especially the little things. The thoughtful things like using the nice dishes because he know that I like that. Well, just had to praise him like I should!
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 6:03 AM 4 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
July 4th
Happy Fourth of July everyone! I hope that yours was as much fun as ours! We went to Emery county to see Mike's family and friends. We saw his parents, brother and friends. It was so much fun! We went to the Huntington Parade in the morning and I think that it was the best parade I have been too. Granted we didn't get a lot of candy, but it wasn't crowded and that was what made it nice in my opinion.
Here is Mike and Tsadakah waiting for the beginning to start. As you can see she is so excited! I think that this picture is adorable. Totally precious!
Here she is saying "You hear that?"when the band was headed down the street. Mike and I hadn't been to Huntington for the 4th since we were talking about getting married 5 years ago. I can still clearly remember this parade at that time. We constantly were sharing memories and remembering old times. lol
Eliannah had independantly gotten 2 pieces of candy all my herself!!! HA HA! I couldn't believe it! She is so FUN!
Here is Jaxton who help yelling to the floats "I want Candy!" ha ha! At the beginning the fire trucks had driven by WITHOUT throwing candy and he just started balling! So funny!
We stayed with Mike's brother, Devin and his wife , Becky who just had a precious baby boy! Her sister Cindy and husband Mark were also staying the weekend. Left to Right: Mark, Kyler, Cindy, Mason, Jaxton, Becky, Xander, and Cole.
So after the parade we went to the wave pool and Mike got a tube and he took Tsadakah out. I watched as he put her on his lap and caught a great wave (they had them on pretty high) and the wave totally dumped them out of their tube! Then 2 waves washed over her before she was saved. She didn't comeout crying, brave lil' soul, but she didn't go back in the water the rest of the time. She wasn't the only casualty tho. Mike also headbutted a stranger to the point where he saw stars and got a MAJOR goose egg! Then Devin gave a kid a bloody nose! lol
Then that night we lit fire works in the street...another misshap! The first thing that we lit was sparklers. Here is Tsadakah with hers, then 2 seconds after the picture was taken, she got the sparker dangerously close to her hair so I said, "Tsadakah don't get it so close to your hair!" What does she do? She puts it right in her hair!!! I practically attacked her trying to keep it from lighting her hair a blaze! She totally singed her bangs! They had that burnt hair smell! she was crying and ended up going to bed for the night! Mike and I ended up snuggling and watching the fun kidless since Eliannah had already gone to bed too!
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 4:20 PM 2 comments