Monday, January 25, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Ok I know that this month is almost over so it is weird to be talking about Resolutions now, but I really have been doing it since the beginning, just haven't had time to blog about it until now!

Usually I do my Res's by 4-5 long-term year long goals, and in 10 years I think that I have followed through and 1. Sad! So this year I am taking a different approach. I am going to achieve 12 shorter term goals. Each month I am going to pick one goal according to what I need most in my life at that time.

For the month of January, I am printing my schedule daily AND I have to write down how long it takes me to do each task. The reason is because I was noticing that I was unrealistic on how long it takes to do things so I get overwhelmed with the fact that I am constantly "behind schedule" that I give up on my schedule my noon.

Perhaps this is all due to the fact that I recently watched Julie & Julia, which I really liked, I not feel inspired to want to write things that are special and important on my blog. I want it to be something that is so interesting or inspiring that strangers read it. Not because I want people to be impressed with me, but because I really just want to make others happy, inspire them, and or help them feel better. So not only am I going to report each month on the goal that I have attempted, but I am also going to write about one of my favorite books, like Julie did.

This month I haven't drastically changed. My schedule still doesn't always get all accomplished, but I have found a lot of self discovery. I am now aware that I really need to have a work hard schedule every day, because by the third day I am so done! So I've decided that every third day I get to sleep in and play with my kids for hours, even if the house is a mess, and even allow myself to do one of my favorite things without feeling guilty for it. Then I am refreshed for another two days of hard work!

The book that I was referring to is called Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin! It is so wonderful! It is a book about improving your marriage. I read it and reread it every chance I get. It is like another Bible! j/k But if any of you want to get your hands on it and read it along with my posts then that would be great! Otherwise, just enjoy the posts. I'll start with the first chapter on my next post. This way you will have time to get the book if you want.