If there is anything I have learned by having three kids it is that EVERYTHING takes time! I feel like I am moving in slow motion. It is as if I am stuck in cold molasses while trying to run the marathon of life. It takes me three times as long to get ready in the morning and it takes me all day to clean the house (which is messed up again in ten minutes anyways).
So the lessons that I have learned is that it is time for me to gain the art of patience. We went to Lagoon for our family trip and it was an adventure to try ones patience. I am so used to doing Lagoon the teenage way where you run from ride to ride trying to get your money's worth out of the experience, but the girls were in no hurry at all. They walked slowly while looking at things and day dreaming. Eliannah wanted to watch the little birdies that come to eat the crumbs that people leave behind! I'm thinking we could be doing that for free!
We really did have an awesome time though! It was so fun to see the girls go on the rides! At first only Tsadakah would ride them, then Ellie would ride with her and adventually she was also riding by herself. The best ride that they went on over and over again was the one with all of the animals and the kids control if it goes up or down. Tsadakah held the stick in the all-the-way up possition! You should have seen Eliannah's face as they went around! It was classic! Fear and dlight all in one! That was when I realized that I had forgotten my camera. I wish I had had it, but it would have been one more thing to be stressed about so I kinda don't mind.
My favorite part of the day was riding with Tsadakah on the Ladybug Drop! I think that miniride is better than The Rocket! It is so thrilling to me to not know when you will drop over and over and over again!
My goal for July is the same as what most people have in January, weight loss. I'm hoping for a wapping 5 lbs per week. Haha! I know that is ambitious and it might not be obtainable, but if you reach for the sun you will at least reach the moon! I'm not settling for the stars! So I have re-activated my gym membership and I am back to routine (which just adds one more thing that takes a lot of time and seems long to get through). I will be running a 5k on July 31 so I am trying to get ready for that as well.
The 4th of July was a total and complete blast! We had five days total to celebrate, which includes Saturday the 3rd. We started by going down to Mike's sister's house for her daughter's baptism. We had fabulous food and stayed for long hours talking and hanging out. Then we went to their house and in the evening we went to see fireworks in the street.
On the fourth we observed and quiet and reverent day in which we celebrated in our hearts the wonderful, miraculous events that have taken place to bring us to a free country. I am so greatful to have been blessed to live in a time and a place where I can worship how I choose.
That evening we went to my parent's house and had a bountiful meal. It was so great! There were so many fresh vegetables and fruit! This is a picture of Eliannah helping with the peas from their garden. She was mostly just playing in them.

Then on the 5th we went to a traditional Bishop's Breakfast. My dad is now in the bishopric so he was in charge of a lot of it. He did a great job bringing the spirit about in it! It was also great to see old friends I grew up with.
Later Mike went on a hike with my dad, brother in law, Troy, and his kids, Olivia, Anna, and Seth. This is also a tradition that I usually participate in but didn't this time because of the new little one. Theyhad a good time despite the difficulty. We were all impressed with them because they were so young (this is a 6-7 hr hike and fairly steep too).
When they got back we went up to Firnwood to watch all the cities fireworks. This is a picture of the sun setting before. I loved the one "star" that is out! This is my hometown. *sigh, oh how I love it!

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