So I love reading to my kids and I read all types of books to them. I swear that my biggest temptation to buy is a good read! I can pass the toys isle, clothing department, and/or candy with my kids crying and begging and I am firm with my no, but I can't help but spend half my Christmas budget on books.
Anyways, I have a lot of the younger Dr. Suess books memorized from reading them to my kids. (It has come to the point where I have to read them in different styles like rapper, or elvis just to keep myself from speeding through it.) So I talked my family into doing a party which included dressing up (my all-time fav!) and doing readings of the books. It was SOSO fun!
We even had themed food.
Simcah and her family all dressed up.

My family all dressed up! Mike was surprisingly into this! He read Oh The Thinks You Can Think, Tsadakah read The Grinch Stole Christmas, Eliannah read One Fish..., and I read The Cat In The Hat. It was so fun and almost everyone participated.

Group Shot!

My Fun and Wacky brother-in-law, Chris.

My dad, as the man in Mulberry Street. Pretty close eh?

And my mom was the star. She stole the show with her perfect costume! She put so much work into the costume! She wanted to act just like her character, the dog in Green Eggs And Ham.
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