We decided to get a Zoo pass this year and we have used it a few times to go with other people we love! We have been with my best friend from High School, my sister, my mom, Mike's company's party, and we plan to go still with my college roommate. When I went with my sis I let her take all the pictures so I will have to get them from her and post them later.
The theme at the zoo this year is dinosaurs. It was actually really great and realistic! They move and even spray water. Eliannah was afraid of all of them, even if we said that they were herbivores. lol Silly girl!
The picture above is with my good friend's daughter. Tsadakah really likes her a lot! I am so glad that they have been able to get together and become friends because it is a friendship that I intend on keeping forever!
There is a sand box where the kids can dig and pretend to work like the construction workers who are building the new area for the Polar Bears. It is a great idea! My kids love it there! This time that we went we were there the minute it opened so we got it all to ourselves! Doesn't MiKaylah look so cute up there?!

Another perk to being there as soon as it opens is that you get to see them feed the animals. I usually think that the Rhinos (which Mike loves) are pretty boring, but this was really cool! The zookeeper was there too so we asked them some questions. Tsadakah noticed that one was bleeding and she was really concerned. The zookeeper said that they like to play by fighting just like puppies or kitties, and sometimes they can get too rough with each other. (I wish I could have been there to see that! When does this happen? Cause all I have ever seen them do is stand there like "duuuuuh!")

There were also my favorite animal! I don't usually see Squirrels at the zoo cause it is too crowded, but because they were used to people they let us get right up next to them. It was so awesome. I soooo want one as a pet! Mike reminds me that they are considered vermin. Uggg! that brings down my dream pretty fast. lol