So, we had 3 Thanksgivings! Talk about over eating! Luckily all those dinners were not on the same day. Mike's family decided to do it on Saturday and mine decided on Frieday so Thurday was wide open. So we celebrated it ourselves. Mike brined the turkey and stuffed it with hebs and spices. It tasted delicious!
I wanted to really keep everything healthy because I knew we had 2 others to gorge on, so we had unsweetened yams, salad, corn, and cooked carrots with our turkey. We also had crissantsand apple-raspberry juice. We talked about what we were thatnkful for and that was that. It was a wonderful simple day.
I got the dishes at Walmart for a buvk! lol It was the best thing for the little ones who have a tendency to have butterfingers. They weren't fancy or expensive, but they were fun!

The Fershtut party was done at a church. It was put on by my sister, Leah. She did a great job! Her husband brought a movie to project on the wall and planned a fun candybar game. My mom went all out on the decoratns! I think that because she didn't have to work so hard at her house that she was able to spend time on the stuff that she really loves to do, DECORATING!She made these placemats, and the stuffed turkey and also bought a whole bunch of gourds. She made a felt covering to fancify the stage. It was all beautiful!

The food was amazing! It was all homemade original Thanksgiving traditional food! It was so good I couldn't say no! hahaha

Eliannah kept smiling with her mouth open and it was showing her food. I took this picture like $0 times! I guess I need to work on her manners more. heehee, but she loves to read the book Polite As A Princess. It is so wonderful for teaching lil girlie-girls! guess we better read it more often. She actually asks for a napkin all the time. :)
Zeke, Simcah, Stratton, Hayley, Carson. My mother made these place mats. She also made the cloth stuffed turkey! She is The most amazing seamstress! I love that about her. I admire it a great deal and wish I had a greater desire for it!

Next we went to Mike's family for Thanksgiving. This is the long table of ethnic foods that we all sampled and shared! It was so fun! I love this. We had food from Mexico, Peru, Heiti, the Islands, Israel, and Brazil.

Eliannah fell asleep snuggling with Grandma Carol! So sweet! Since they came in October to visit, by kids have been so much closer to these grandparents and I love that!

Friends of Mike's family came as well bringing teens and other such. Their daughter was reading to MiKylah and it was so cute! She was listening and eating her lil snack, happy as can be! she is so my little darling!

For an activity we played lots of games. (One thing that I LOVE about Mike's family) First we played Fruit Basket, which is always a blast and even the kids can participate.) Then we played Human Foosball. (Mike's sisters that got everything neeed for this game were amazing!) Then the men played b
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