Sunday, April 29, 2012

General Conference

We recently got this little table for the girls to sit on at meal times. It is SO darling! I love it because I can help them with all of their food needs much easier than when they were on the big table. It also cleans up easier.

 We also got a new back door. It is BEAUTIFUL!  It is a sliding glass door which I have liked after all because I don't have to take up living space on either side of the door for swing space. It is more efficient and did I mention that it is beautiful! Mike installed it all by himself! He is great! We chose a thick molding to trim it up which I am so in love with I don't want to put up drapes because I feel it will cover or distract from the gorgeousness!
On Wednesday, March 28th, Mike was off work and said he wanted to go to Pizza Hut's all-you-can-eat buffet. We love going there! It was very good as usual.
Thursday I was so very sick! I haven't been that sick for a long time. Tsadakah was sick too and MiKaylah had it but not as bad. I thought for sure that it was food poisoning. Friday we were all feeling better so we stuck to our plan to go to my parent's on Saturday nihgt. Unfortunately Eliannah's manifested itself just hours after we got there. :( Not food poisoning after all)

When we first got to their house we dyed Easter eggs with my mom and sister, Leah, while the men were at conference. I also enjoyed painting my nails with my nieces. They are real fun to talk to now. They enjoy dance like I do and I live vicariously through them. *sigh! Ahh to be young again. Olivia is doing Ballroom and wanted desperately to do a Cabaret. Anna is in Ballet and learning point. Jealousy on both accounts, Ballroom because I miss it, and Point because I always wanted to.

For General Conference we went stayed at my parents house for  Sunday breakfast. And since it was April Fools day, my dad couldn't resist playing a prank. He put a worm on his plate and freaked out and made a scene about it. It was funny, but it didn't fool us for very long. But my niece and nephew both lost their appetites.

I really love all the speakers in Conference and as I listen to them again online it seems like me favorite always seems to be the one that I am listening to at the moment. I just feel so inspired! Saturday morning session I loved the talk by Packer an then the Primary President who followed right after. Its like they were meant just for me to help me right off the bat with what I felt I was struggling with and praying for help in. The messages about making family a priority and time spent with kids.

And then Saturday afternoon session the talk that I remember most was Elder Richard G. Scott's (Who I really always feel like he had me personally in mind when he wrote his talk) talk about being able to still have a personal relationship with ancestors from beyond the veil. It got me to thinking, what if you could choose an ancestor to be your spiritual mentor or guardian angel? Who would you choose? Who from your family do you greatly admire? I would really love to be mentored from Mary Fielding Smith. She is my Family History Hero. Mostly because I admire the way she treated her children and raised them without yelling. I also would choose Helen B. Adeline. I have read her book so many times I feel like I do know her, though I never remember meeting her. She was, in my opinion, the perfect wife.

Because I love all the talks and I think everyone else could say the same, I like to ask people if they notices a common theme through out the conference. Interestingly enough you can get so many answers and I think its because we are all hearing what we need most to hear by the power of the Holy Spirit. The theme I continued to notice was Grace and Mercy. We believe in both the grace of God and in good works, but sometimes, I think that we get so caught up in the works that we forget how sweet the Mercy is too. (We need "gentle" reminders now and then).  I absolutely loved Elder Holland's talk! Him saying that it makes God happy to give Mercy to His children was such a beautiful concept to me.

Although I don't know the speakers name I really liked the one who said that if you are walking by a person drowning you wouldn't ask if they need help and just wait for them to answer, you would jump on in and save them. So true for Visiting Teaching. Women don't usually tell you what they need, you have to perceive it and go and do it.  Also loved Perry's talk and Uchtdorf's.