Friday, April 9, 2010

I must be nesting!

I'm not sure the exact definition of "Nesting" but I think that it includes projects as well as cleaning. Lately I have felt a huge push to want to finish everything that I started years ago. lol. I finished a blanket that I started in High School. (My girls LOVE it) and after 5 1/2 years of marriage I finally put my wedding flowers in a glass case! They look so gorgeous! I forgot how much I loved them and they reminded me of the SPECIALEST day of my entire life! I sat and stared at them for almost an hour afterward.

I have also tried a little bit of tool Tu Tu's! I don't for see myself making any more, but it was fun. Here is Eliannah in one, she was such a stinker about taking these pictures! It was like she wanted to mess them up on purpose! So they didn't turn out great, *sigh.

This is the kind with the flower pedals in it. I really like it, but I messed it up because I only did half the yardage, so it has not gathers or volume. oh well!

I think that Tsadakah's is my favorite! the color scheme is just one of my fav! Perhaps if I were to do my wedding reception over I would choose these colors instead. See what I mean about the pedal skirt? There are no gathers so it makes her look like she is wearing a see through skirt. lol It makes me laugh.

Other projects that I am trying to finish are: baby blanket for MiKaylah, scrapbook pages for 2009, and I want to scrapbook Mike's mission pictures and letters.
So my goal for April is knocking off projects. It has been fun so far, my house just isn't as clean as it was in Jan. ha ha!
Other things that I have been doing in the category of nesting is cleaning and re-organizing. I re did my kitchen and I LOVE it!!! My pantry!!! Love it! and my bedroom closet. Next up, the medicine cabinet!


Alyssa said...

:D Love it! You are so cute.

Anne said...

Fun! Does nesting work at other peoples' houses? I need to find someone to "nest" in mine, lol!