Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my lil Eliannah! We love YOU! My baby-big-girl is two now! She got spoiled with two parties. They were both small and low key but that were wonderful! This party was at my parents home. My mom made this cake for her. Funny story: while my sister, Leah, and I entertained the kids with a game my mom was busy making dinner. Eliannah got into the cake and grabbed a handful out of the back! My mom was so flustered about it. I thought it was funny! My kids never do well on their first birthday when they are expected to grab the cake, but they always do it on their second birthday. Perhaps we should switch that tradition.

She had so much fun playing on this balloon! She would sit on it and then roll off and laugh! I tried to get a picture of it, but they mostly came out blurry. It was her highlight of the party!


Her she is after rolling off the balloon. She was so cute laughing so hard about it!

Here is another one of her right before she fell, in mid-laugh.

For one of the activities we played with a mini bowling set. It was a ton of fun and all the kids loved it! We could not get Tsadakah to stop throwing the ball overhand so the ball kept bouncing over the top of the pins and not knocking any over! Eliannah didn't get it so she didn't even want to play. This picture is of my nephew who is right in between their ages. He did better than either of them. lol. I was really impressed with how quickly he caught onto the rules and concept of the game.

Behind my niece, Olivia, is Tsadakah on her turn. There was another picture where I was laughing hysterically because at one point 5 kids were trying to help me re-set the pins and each one would knock down 2 when they were trying to set up one. They all fell adventually and nobody was helpful! It was so crazy I just had to laugh!

This is the other party that we had at home. Tsadakah was so excited about Ellie's presents. She practically unwrapped them all! And as soon as they were out of the box she was playing with them and claiming them as her own! This also made me laugh really hard!

For her cake we made a Strawberry-shortcake Trifle. It was very good! It only lasted a day though.

Thank You to everyone who helped to make her birthday special. Thank you all for the gifts and the love! She really enjoyed her special day!
On her birthday and the whole next day she got to wear a crown and she LOVED that!! If it fell of she wanted it back on right away and she didn't take it off for two days! She loved all the attention. Her birthday landed on a Sunday and yes I let her wear the crown to church! It was cute and a way to let everyone know it was her special day. If I was a good mom I would have made cup cakes for her to share in nursery, but I didn't even think of it til 5 min before. Darn!
We love you so much Ellie! You have a special place in our hearts!


Simcah Reid said...

That is so cute. I love when they love their birthday. If she had it on for two days, where is the picture of her in her crown? :)