Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hair cut

Perhaps I am just the pickiest person in the world. Or maybe I just don't know how to explain what I want correctly, but I haven't been saticefied with my hair cut for 4 years. For a long time I thought that it was because I was taking the cheap way and going to Great Clips, so this time I went to a really nice salon, and I still got crap. *sigh! I mean it is really not that bad, its just not what I asked for. I wanted more layers at the top to give volume and demention to my hair. It just feels shorter with long layers. URG! My shortest layer "framing my face" is literally past my chin. Not to my chin but past it!!!!

Anyway, here is the full effect. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I love your haircut. You look gorgeous in any haircut!

Alyssa said...

Beautiful! But I understand what you mean about not being able to get the cut you want. I felt that way always when I had long hiar.

Kat said...

You're beautiful no matter what! But if you're never happy with your results, I have some recommendations for you, if you're interested. You remember the company I work for, Human Art? We train hair stylists in our program so they learn how to do someone's hair to fit with their bone structure, personality, etc. It takes out the "trial and error" problem of doing hair. And everyone we've trained so far is amazing! So far we don't have any in your area, but hopefully soon. But if you go to and click "Locate a Designer" you can see some people. There are more who haven't been added yet, but will be. They are worth checking out, I promise!

The Fershtut Four said...

I know what you mean about not getting what you asked for. I lived through the year of the mullet. But you are nowhere near that! Your hair is beautiful! I really like it. cute pics!!