Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Mike!

Mike is now 29! For his birthday I made him his fav breakfast and gave him his gifts: A wallet and a PS3 game. His brother, Devin and family came to visit and see our new baby. It was perfect timing too because they were able to celebrate with us.

This is Devin's son, Jaxton. Tsadakah and him are the best of friends! He really loved his cake, but he didn't get to eat it for very long.
This was so funny because one minute he was playing and laughing and the next he was zonked out on his mommy's lap. We were laughing so hard. Becky said that the first thing that he said when he woke up the next morning was, "That was the best cake I ever had in my whole life!"
Tsadakah just loved the always.

I never went to the store to get more candles so he only got one on his cake. oops! He picked out this cake because it had a rum flavored drizzle to make it moist and real whipped cream frosting. Then we put Heath candy on top. The filling in the middle was a dark chocolate. Because of the rum drizzle it ended up being lop-sided, but it still tasted good.

For all the things that he has done for us, and the way that he is always so good to us! Happy Birthday, Mike! I love you!

Oh ya one more thing that was a side splitting funny part of his birthday was that night when we watched a movie. Mike chose to lay on the floor where Xander, Devin's second son, was playing. Xander kept trying to sit on Mike's head. He would crawl around to his face turn his butt on him and then plunk down. Mike just lay there letting it happen. Then Xander started getting frustrated that he kept sliding off so he got more persistent and twice he fell forward onto his own head. It was all super hilarious!!