She is finally here!!! I am so glad too! Here is our lil' MiKaylah Cynthia Wilberg. She was born Tuesday, May 25th, 2010. She weighed 7lb 6 oz (which was one ounce from my guess of 7lb 5 oz) and 20 1/2 inches long. She has hair but not as much as the other girls. She looks completely unique! She has a long thin delicate face and dark navy blue eyes. She is precious and perfect!!!
We went into the hospital at 10 AM. I was at a 4. They decided to keep me on the conditions that I needed strep B antibiotics (2 doses 4 hours apart) and I have fast labors (at least in the past). So five hours go by and I have had the meds needed, but my contractions have stopped and I am not dilated more at all! So to speed things up I get some Pitocin. 2 hours go by and the contractions are a breeze. I can't feel them so I am telling the nurse to crank up the Pit. They check me and I am still at a 5!!! OK time to get aggressive. So I allow the Dr. to break my water. (Remember I still have the pit cranked to high!) So within fifteen minutes the contractions start to get difficult. I am breathing through them and Mike is fanning me like crazy!!! I am begging for ice chips and Popsicles and to be doused in ice water! I swear that I must be at a 9. They check, nope, 7! I want to cry!! Can I do this? I start to doubt! The nurse tells me that I am closer than I think. She tells me to listen to my body and push as needed. Fifteen minutes later MiKaylah is here! The Dr. just made it. The Dr. and the nurses said that she was a miracle. They don't know how she is alive because the cord was wrapped around her neck twice and there was a knot tied in it. She was purple and I had to rub her back for a while to keep her breathing until she turned pink. I am so so so so grateful that God love me and the He allowed me to keep her! My prayers have definitely been answered! I love this baby so much!
Tsadakah is a proud sister! She immediately started playing peek-A-Boo with her as she came into the room. She kept asking, "How did she come out of your tummy?" Wow! I am way more uncomfortable with those questions than I thought I would be. I think Mike handled it better than I did!

Eliannah is so loving! She says, "Ahh, Yes!" every time that she is asked if she would like to hold the baby. She does really well when she holds her, and now that I am home she is like a shadow, watching and observing everything I do with the baby and narrating her every move. "Baby crying," "Baby sleeping," "Baby eating!" She seems to think that the baby needs to have her Binky in her mouth at all times so she is always trying to force it on her even when she is sleeping.
Yaaaay! Yay! Yay! How wonderful for your family :) Welcome sweet little MiKaylah, you are loved by many! She is so cute Rivkah!
Oh, she is so beautiful...definitely a miracle baby!!!
She is so beautiful. I totally started crying reading about the girls with her. I'm so excited for you and Mike and the girls. We love ya.
Ohhh! She's adorable rivkah! Congratulations!
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