For my June goal I am focusing on family. I know that it is really hard on the older kids when there is a new addition to the family because it takes mom's time away. So I am trying to make time for them and create the best environement of love here in our home so that they can feel secure.
The blessings that have come from it have been so wonderful! I feel closer to them and I don't think that I have been as much of a yeller as I have been in the past. I am practicing patience and just trying to stay consistant while still remaining calm.
We have been doing so much better with family scripture study, prayer and FHE too. I feel closer to Mike because we are trying harder to do these things together, and we communicate better.
I think that there is no better way to bring two sisters together than to have another baby. Ha ha. Here is what Tsadakah and Eliannah have been doing to bond, locking each other inside a laundry basket by sitting on top of it. They really were playing well together and laughing about it. Their playing together has gotten more frequent since they realized that the time mommy has for them is lessened but the time their sister has for them hasn't changed.
The other night after tucking them into bed I shut the door to their room and listened to them giggling for some time. I realized that I will never be a part of that relationship. I will never be in on the things that they titter about in the night time. I will not hear the secrets that they share with each other throughout the years. In that sense I will always be the outsider. Knowing that they share that makes be smile though. MiKaylah is so precious! I want to take her picture all the time! When she is sleeping, when she is waking up, and when she is awake.

I keep trying to catch a picture of her smiling! she is so cute all the time that I want to document every aspect, not just the sleeping all the time, but the smiles and the scrunched up faces too.

My mom came and helped out for the first coulple days back from the hospital.
She was great! And of course she loved holding MiKaylah.

Eliannah is still all over MiKaylah any time that she is awake! She loves to hold her. I have gotten to the point where I have them lay down together because that is easier for her and less stressful for me! lol. She loves to help burp the baby.

Tsadakah is also a little mommy. Her favorite thing to help give La La baths.

Eliannah hasn't shown any jealousy toward the baby, but she has been super clingy to me. She wants me to hold her all the time!! She is more insecure about going somewhere without me, like when I drop her off at nursery. I prefer this to jealousy so I am glad that she hasn't had that reaction.

Tsadakah's second favorite thing to help with is giving La La her bottle. I think that it is a good way for them to bond. They love her so much!
Such beautiful girls and so fun what they share. I think sometimes we make Mom jealous with how close we are. But we just can't help it. :)
I love this post! I just want you to know that I think you are absolutely amazing! Your girls are so blessed to be able to call you mommy. I look up to you in so many ways....I want you to know that I love you very much.
Congrats on the birth of your beautiful little girl--she is SO precious. You are an amazing Mom--those little gals are lucky to have you.
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