Friday, June 25, 2010

Life With Three

Three children has been an adventure! I love my kids more than anything, but I almost feel like a first-time-mom again. I am at a learning curve and I have to work hard to maintain ballance. I have had to limit the activities I go and do.
The thing that I have noticed the most is that it is not just a learning curve for me, but also for the older two. Tsadakah is having to learn to do more for herself than I would have ever pushed her to do if I hadn't had a new baby. Sometimes my hands are just full and I have to tell her that she has to do it herself. She is doing well with that. I think that it is good for her self-esteem. Eliannah's learning curve is learning that tempertantrums don't work. This little one is the queen of tantrum throwing, and in the past I have given in because it was easier than dealing with a tenth tantrum for hour. (ha ha she really wasn't that bad) I usually made Tsadakah give her the toy she wanted or whatever, but now when she takes MiKaylah's toys or her burp rags I take them away and put my foot down. She is learning, but it hurts me too because I feel bad for her having to feel like her place has been taken.
She's been doing some cute and funny things too. She takes MiKaylah's pajamas out of the drawer and tries to put them on. She gets one arm on and runs around the house saying "Mine!"

MiKaylah is doing really well on all her development stages. She is staring at me for a long time to memorize my face, she is moving as if she is cycling a bike, and she is more awake and allert during the day. She is getting chunkier every day which is making her look change a lot. Everywhere I go people are noticing the change. She's a beauty and I have been struck by qupid because I am definitely in love!

Tsadakah is so much like me in her personality! She loves to dress up! She found this horse costume and wanted to wear it. It is like a 18 month old costume so it was a squeeze! Then she found the one that I bought for my sister and she insisted Ellie wear it, as you can see she is not as thrilled! ha ha. They are so much fun!