The day after the auquarium we had so much fun going to Cooper's run. This was a 5K that was created by my amazing and wonderful cousin(s) Janna and Wendy. A year ago Janna's son passed away. I am never going to stop being amazed by the strength and love that these two sisters have. They have totally inspired me. The whole family is fenominal actually. So that they wouldn't have to be sitting around thinking about it they decided to be proactive and that is why they did the 5K. They wanted to honor all of the EMS's that responded for Cooper and because of that they were able to have a helicopter land in the parkinglot. It was pretty nifty!

Here are all of the Fershtut's that participated in the run. Leah, Carson (who didn't), Ari, Chris, Mike, Me, Anna, Seth, and Steve (my dad). I was so impressed with my niece and nephew who finished with me. We don't know exact times, but Mike was amazing and was about 26 min. I did it in like 35 mins.
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