Boy Was That Stressful! I never want to move again!
First of all, the house that we bought was a short sale. We were told going into it that it was going to be a long and frustrating processes and we were OK with that. It was different then I thought though. I was like, ya we can be fine with it taking a long time in the beginning stages but I didn't think that the end would be the worst of it! Actually the beginning stages seemed to go quite smoothly. I guess that we got spoiled there and started to think that nothing would go wrong after all! sigh! boy was I wrong!
They told us originally that we would sign on the 17th. We decided that we would need 2 weeks to clean the house fully (with re carpeting and other maintenance issues) so we scheduled the move for the 30th. The renters we had found said that they weren't going to be ready to move into the house until August 15, so that gave us 2 weeks after we moved to clean up the Tooele house for the renters. Everything seemed like it was going to go perfect!
Then, to our surprise, the renters called and said that they had a change of plans and that they wanted to move in by the 1st! OK, I can clean the house in a day or two. Then the agent called and they pushed back the signing a week. OK, we can clean the new house in a week. Then he called again and said that it was pushed back again, and again, and again!!! I was really starting to stress! Our window of moving opportunity was getting smaller and smaller until I was about to freak! At one point the dates were overlapping which was totally impossible, so I called ever person I could to push my way into closing on our house! We had to call the renters and ask them to wait a week. (Which is probably why they ended up bailing!)
So anyways, the crunch time came down to one weekend! We signed the papers on Friday at like 5PM! Then we got into the house and I was cleaning like mad! Vacuuming, scrubbing, bleaching, sanitizing everything I could. There was so much to do! Mike and my dad were there trying to put in a new gas line for my new gas range, ripping out carpet, and changing light fixtures. We worked until 10:30. (Which is late for me, alright? lol)
The next day I woke up at 5 and drove straight over to the new house to continue cleaning! Families showed up at the house and loaded the truck. It took 2 truck loads! It was total madness and chaos! I wasn't there at all to help guide or direct people. Things were just done! It was amazing! When people came to the new house there was still so much cleaning to do that boxed had to be stored in the garage and not brought into the house. kids were stepping on staples from where the carpet used to be, and we didn't' have some of the sinks working so water kept spaying all over.
We ordered pizza and thanked everyone so VERY MUCH for their help! Then for the next 2 weeks I was working non-stop! I woke up and worked all day until I went to bed. The poor kids were so in shock and I was too busy to baby them through the transition. It was just a shocker!
But now we are here! We are all Happy! We all sit in awe and amazement that it is ours! We are so so very blessed! We totally and completely love the house we are in. This house was built to be our home!! I truly believe that!

else. It was a cute and fun thing! Thanks, dad!
This is a picture of MiKaylah in a doll stroller. It was taken the morning after the move. This is what the kids were doing while I was cleaning. lol
We want to thank everyone for their help in this move! It was so nice to have and so needed! I could not have done it without all of you! Thank you, THANK YOU!

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