Anyway, it was so entertaining and great to have the help of family! We all took turns with the little kids in Kiddie land so that we could also ride the major ones. We actually rode the Wicked like 5 times! And we rode the Rocket quite a lot too!
Debbie's girls were so much help with the littler kids too! Tsadakah went with the and I felt a bit sad as I watched her walk away with the big kids. WOW, she is getting big! She hesitated for a moment so I had to be brave and put on a happy face to reassure her, but I really wanted to say never mind, stay here and be little and never grow up! lol
I also threw a surprise shower for my good friend, Denelle. She was a stinker cause she told everyone that someone else was doing a shower so nobody would be inconvenienced. That is why it had to be a surprise. It turned out well and she was grateful for it in the end. :) She had already ha the baby so it was a post shower.
This was one of the games we played. You have to "birth" the baby by melting the ice around it with only your hands. lol This was the winner.

Also, to pass the time while I waited anxiously for my house to close I had to find ways to entertain myself and my children so we didn't drive each other bonkers. So I took them to the library's craft hour. Although they don't always have the books I am looking for, they do have great community activities throughout the week.
Tsadakah is my little artist and she asks almost every day if it is craft day! She loves to do anything that you tell her has to do with art.
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