Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tid bits From June

This summer we signed up for 5 reading programs! It was so awesome! I love to read with my kids anyways so I would have done it for nothing, but it is always nice to win prizes and have fun incentives too! This is one of the prizes that they won from the Purple Cow book store, which is amazing! They gave such huge candy bars! Score!

Eliannah won one of the drawings! It was only a free pass to the bowling alley (which she hates to bowl) but still exciting to be a winner. The reading programs were: Library, Purple Cow, Family Center, Friend magazine, and The governor's challenge. Our favorite was the Purple Cow's! They gave the best prizes, but also they challenged us the most. We were given 25 topics and had to find a book from each without using the same author! I started reading books to Tsadakah that I didn't realize she was ready for and she loved, like THE SECRET GARDEN! I was so impressed!

Our favorite new finds were as follows:

The Sea Serpent and Me........Dashka Slater

There's A Dragon In My Sleeping Bag.....James Howe
Cool Daddy Rat.........................Kristyn Crow
Just Me and 6,000 Rats..........Rick Welton
Spooky Hour..............................Tony Mitton

The Pout-Pout-Fish and the Big-Big Dark...Deborah Diesen
There's No Such Thing As A Dragon...Jack Kent

**Duncan the Dancing Duck........Syd Hoff

The Skeleton In the Closet.......Alice Schertle

**This book was so great that I tried to buy it, but it was out of print. :( definitely my all time summer favorite and I recommend that you go to the library and check it out!

Tsadakah is into gardening this summer! She even found this cute little scare crow to put into her garden. She is really good at remembering to water every day. She added the roses for effect. lol I think that it is darling! and this is definitely a talent that I hope she Perseus.

This is my attempt at floral design. These all came from my very own garden! I read the basics from BHG! I am really getting into interior design. It is my new obsession. but as is with all new hobbies, there is so much you need to spend money on to keep it up. What do you do to have a totally stylish decor on a budget?

Also, what was your favorite book you read this summer? And what is your all time favorite children's book?

This is Tsadakah's Stick art. She came up with the idea all on her own. lol It is so cute. She said that it was an ant. I can see that!