On Sunday, October 28th, our ward had the Primary Program. I was really excited about it because it was Eliannah's first year. Tsadakah did well and she read a scripture John 13:15. I didn't have her memorize it but I was just as proud of her for being able to read almost every word herself. Impressive girl. Eliannah memorized her part. She said, "I can invite the Spirit into my life by singing church songs." she said it loud and clear. I was very proud of her. I blew her a kiss. I love the kids that act naughty up there because it is funny. But when she was standing on her chair or puting her feet up on the stand I was a little embarassed. I love my little girls. MiKaylah fell asleep in my arms which was so nice that I could enjoy the program without having to fight her wanting to go up with her big sisters.
Monday, Eliannah was invited to a halloween party play date. She got to dress up and she had a good time. She was treated like a guest of honor. I was practicing really hard to be prepared and on top of things.
Tuesday night we went to the ward Trunk-or-Treat. It was such a good time and the Primary who was in charge of it when all out! The arranged for the backdrops for these darling foto opps! And there was a chili cook contest. I made White Chicken Chili and we were actually on time! First ward halloween party that has ever happened for (like I said, I am working on my organization and preparation skills :).
I had a sudden realization that Eliannah could use this wig and be Ariel Wedding Bride. Even better. She was so happy when I told her that. That wig stayed on the entire night!
Look at this DARLING carriage shaped like a pumpkin! Every little girls dream. Seriously, they did a great job.
Sitting around the table eating our chili. I tired a lot of them cause I love to sample everything. My girls were enphatic about the carriage and spent little time eating. We were so blessed to sit with Emily and her daughter that evening. She is so sweet! I like talking to her.
But a beautiful one!
Eliannah was with Kyson the whole dinner time. They really are best friends. *I love MiKaylah's face in this picture.
Outside the Youth organized the activities. There was a cake walk, where kids won dirt and worm cupcakes.
And the Trunking of course.
It was a wonderful evening and my chili was one of the first to be gone! :) even though I didn't win the contest. :(
For Halloween Mike stayed home to give out candy so that I could be the one to take the kids around. FUN! My two little ones were done after 2 cultasacs so I took them home to mike and went out with just Tsadakah. We had such a good time! I know that she felt like such a big girl. we would fill up her bucket, take it home to dump and then go out again. I really wanted to get to the end of the street so that I could see if the extremely well decorated houses gave out big candy bars. But it was just too far cause we kept going in all the circles. So at the very end I drove her over to them. All they gave out was tiny candy!! bummer. Well at least we know for next year. :)
*Oh, and in the morning when Tsadakah woke up she said, "Mom you have always said that you wanted to have a baby on Halloween and it is too late for you to have one this Halloween but I will pray for you to have Malachi next Halloween." And then she really did. She has been praying for a little brother for years. lol May the faith of a child work.
On Friday my friend Elizabeth got married. Her newe husband is great and we think the world of him. Mike was able to work a half day so that he could be there with me. I was so grateful for that because from the temple to their reception there was 3 accidents on the freeway. It would have done me in! He is so my hero! I also liked having him there. It was nice to catch up with my high school friends who I haven't seen in forever.
Saturday we had Mike's sister over and I took their family pictures. It was fun. They stayed for dinner and Mike smoked a turkey. My favorite part was when she played Life with Tsadakah. I think that it is good for Aunts to bond with nieces.
Happy Halloween!
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