What a week of fun! We have really been able to enjoy my favorite holidays and all of its festivities!
For FHE on Monday night we carved pumpkins. Mike loves the carving part and he helped each of the girls do theirs. I think that it is so cute that he even cut out the little details that they asked for, like eye lashes on Eliannah's princess pumpkin. He is such a good dad. 
MiKaylah is in this funny stage where she raises her hand and says, "me too, me too!" it is so cute! I had to take a picture to always remember it. :)I was all about the decorating. We did markets, paint, and melting crayons on them. All of which gave Mike anxiety. lol
We went tout to the front porch to light them. It was cold.
Tsadakah's scary clown vampire pumpkin and MiKaylah's happy pumpkin.
Eliannah's princess pumpkin. *She was a little obsessed with the painting. she mixed paint after paint until it was black and then she covered her pumpkin. lol
On Wednesday we had play dates. Tsadakah played with her friend from school, Julianne, and Eliannah had Kyson over. Kyson is her "best" friend. When I was subbing in her Sunbeams class she kissed him. I was shocked! It was funny, but I wondered if it was the first time or if it had happened before.
Thursday we had Dr. apt. Tsadakaah was seriously scared of the flu shot. She wouldn't do it. I promised her we would order pizza for dinner if she would. So I went ahead and ordered it so that it would be ready by the time we finished with the Dr. Well turns out that they did have the mists so she didn't have to have the shot AND she still got pizza! Lucky ducky.
Friday, Tsadakah got out of school early and we went to the Goforths for a play date. Brittany was sweet and even went to the store and got tonz of Halloween craft ideas for the kids to do. Tsadakah of course loved every minute of that! :)
When we got home it was time to run around like chickens with our heads cut off so that we could get ready for the school's trunk-or-treat. We took Braden from our car pool and he was fun. I told his mom that it was our practice for a boy...if we ever have one! lol
Tsadakah and Anika, what great friends!
MiKaylah was looking at one of those bowls that has the motion detecting hands in the candy bowl. She was so cute scared! Made me laugh!
The sunsets for a whole week were all so great! Why am I always in a bad spot or too busy on those nights? Well I got the best pictures of it that I could.
Abby (we are so glad she attends school with Tsadakah!) Eliannah, Tsadakah, and MiKaylah.
Tsadakah's kindergarten teacher was there with her husband dressed adorably as Mary Poppins and the Chimney sweep guy, lol Had to get her with them!
This year Mike dressed up as a fireman. He is on the ERT team at work and he got this whole uniform for free! Awesome perk!! He loves his job and just got promoted to the MAP plant. They are getting it ready fro opening. So while he was there a little girl came over to him and gave him a hug saying, "Look, mommy, a firefighter! He's a hero!" So stinking cute!
Then on Saturday we went to my parent's house for an awesome Halloween party. My brother and sisters were there. I just LOVE the dressing up and the fun activities. We had a caramel apple bar and bobbing for apples. My mom made amazing chili too. I planned a dancing game that took off and everyone loved it. We played it longer than I thought we would. :) We free style danced and then when the music stopped you had to add a dance step to the ones that danced before you and if you forgot someones step than you were out.
Here are some pictures of my girls. MiKaylah was Super Girl. no, no, she was a "Super Hewooo! Yay!"
Eliannah was a "Wedding Bride."
Tsadakah was a pink fairy. She planned this costume herself and I think that it is perfect because it defines her right now. So into being All Girl (makes me so proud) and wanting to be just like her mommy (I was the blue fairy from Pinocchio.)
A picture doesn't get any better than this!
Eliannah has this new smile for pictures.
Her hair, because every bride has to have a fancy do!
Tsadakah getting ready to take flight.
My dad was an Arab. Tsadakah didn't get it. She kept asking him what he was an no matter how he explained it she didn't know what he was. lol
Here I am, the blue fairy.
Our little Halloween Family. I love them each so much! Almost as much as I love Halloween! :P
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