My girls are so cute together! I can't wait till Eli is a bit older so that she can toddle after Sadie and want to play. Or they are laughin tog all night long and I have to tell them that I am going to seperate them. I'm sure there will be times I will have to whip out the "Once I had a little sister..." song, but we all know that I can't even get to the moral of the story without crying, so I doubt they'll ever know why I sing it in the first place. lol. Sigh, I guess I'll have to resort to good old time outs.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 12:47 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 9:01 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 4:11 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I cut my hair
I know that I look like a big copy cat of Becky, but I also cut my hair! Like her, I've been thinking about it for a long time and my hair was desperately needing it. ha ha
I saw it in a magazine when Becky was planning on going Brown and since have said that after I was done being pregnant I would try it. I was planning on doing it right after I had the baby, but I guess that I just haven't had the courage til now.
I really wanted something that was sexy, and sultry. I was so nervous that the bangs would turn out cheesy and make me look like a little girl, not a woman. lol. Well, what do you think of it?
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 4:08 PM 6 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
The 4th of July weekend has been crazy! We worked hard and we played hard! On the 4th Michael went on a hike while I took the kids, ours and his friend's 2 boys, to the parade. Then we had a BBQ with them, Ryan, Ashley, their 2 boys, and some in-laws in-laws, Shallece and Doug and their 2 boys. (Tsadakah was out numbered!) It was like thanksgiving in July! what a banquet! Then we played Mexican Train and lit fireworks in the street. (see video)
Then we woke up very early to get to work on my parent's house. Because it has flooded so many times, mold had grown in the carpet and walls and since they are on their mission we had to go tear out the basement with my other siblings. We worked all day! Then, to treat ourselves, we went to a Beez game! We got great tickets right up front! We met up with friends too. If we look delirious it is because we had no time to get ready for the game and go! Needless to say this is not my finest picture! But we had a lot of fun! My favorite part was at the end of the game when we went down on the field and watched fireworks from the nice soft grass! It makes me feel patriotic, and a little home sick for my Daddy. (We loved ooing and aahhing at the fireworks together.) Then Tsadakah got a chance to run the field like a player. SO CUTE!
Posted by wilbergrivkah at 7:41 AM 1 comments