With all of the car trouble we were having we decided to get a new vehicle. We bought a VAN! I am the first to own one in my family (out of all my sisters) and one of my friends first response was, "your old!" haha, but I don't care! I LOVE my van! It is so very very nice. I love the sliding doors and that I don't have to climb into the vehicle to put my kids buckle on. It is a tight fit into our garage tho. lol we have to be so careful backing out and had to re-arrange the tools and shoe rack. There is so much room and space in the van which is just so nice!
I took cupcakes to Tsadakah's class on Tuesday May 15th. She was excited to pass them out herself and all the kids loved it too.
On Wednesday I decided to be a great mom and take my kids to the park and have a picnic lunch. It was a beautiful day and right away we stopped on the bridge and fed the ducks, seagulls, and little birds some old hot dog buns. It was so beautiful and like something out of a movie. MiKaylah giggled and got excited. She had a had time with the concept of just throwing the bread to them and kept stepping forward to try to give it to them, which chased them away. lol
Eliannah was most daring indeed. She was very good at it and had a huge following after her. They came right up to her. She was throwing peices that I thought were way too big, though. *sigh!
Tsadakah was the perfect model of what was expected of her. She stood in the middle of the bridge and threw them to the ducks bellow in the water and she made her pieces just the right size. I think it is interesting how you can see the differences in their personalities in even something as simple as feeding ducks.
Then we went to the picnic tables and at our lunches. The ducks followed us there. :( It was no fun, until a nice man showed up and game my girls a whole loaf of bread to feed them! I was grateful for his kindness. This meant; however, that they didn't eat much of their food. :) We played at the playground for only a short time. These were the highlights of this lovely day.

On Friday Tsadakah had her last day of school! It was thundering and stormy all morning. She was supposed to have a field day and play fun games and get wet followed up with an ice cream party. I went to the school and it had stopped raining but it was overcast and the ground was still very wet. The first thing was a Show What You Know and Tsadakah did well. My kids were clingy which is new for them and I wasn't expecting. MiKaylah was sitting on my lap and I thought that I was feeling quite damp. I stood up in the middle of the performance and shot into the bathroom thinking that she peed on me. Turned out that it was just rain water that had gotten on her blanket as we were going inside and then she sat on it on me. lol
Ms. Bodine.
She had a good time though and they moved the games inside to the gym. I wasn't really helpful for anything because my kids were so clingy and dependant on me. So I got a chance to talk to the other moms. They were all so nice! They all talked about wanting to get together for the summer. I really would love to, they are great women, and Tsadakah will love seeing the people who she grew to care so much about.
That same night we went to Joes Valley. We had so much room to pack in the van! My parents were there and soon my sister, Simcah, arrived. We set up tents and made a fire. My kids were in a hurry to go to sleep so we bundled them up really well because we knew that it was going to be COLD! They totally slept through the night, I did not. I was freezing. I really think that it was the coldest night of my life. Mike and my dad could top it, but for me, it was the coldest night.
The next day we had planned a work day. We painted the shed, chopped wood, leveled ground for tents to be put and raked. It looked great and we were happy to have done it. The food was good. (I always like camping food.)
On Sunday we had a good time hanging out and we planned to do a small family testimony meeting in honor of the Lord's Sabbath. It was a good meeting and sentimental group. I feel that my testimony was strengthened just for having listened to the Spirit and baring from the soul. There is something about being with people who love you unconditionally that makes it easier to bare all your soul. Sweet spirits were shared and a unity was felt...at least I felt it. :)
Then we had an exciting surprise! Mike's cousin, Ross, came up with three horses to ride. He let us ride them and it was so fun! Eliannah would not ride at all. Tsadakah rode twice on Black Jack and Bucky. She still talks about them and now she has named her stuffed animals the same. MiKaylah loved them the most! She was so upset when she had to wait her turn to get on. She rode with mommy on Salt and we even did some trotting! She did NOT want to get off and she cried a lot when we were done.
Then we fed them a bit. It was funny because I had brought some green apples that were pretty sour. When my dad took a bit he almost spit it right back out. lol. We thought that it would be perfect to give them to the horses, but the horses didn't even like them! hahaha
All in all it was a busy and eventful week. I love all the memories that we made! What treasures memories are! :)