Thursday, September 22, 2011

My First Few days In Our Home

I kept telling myself that when we moved into the new house, the first night I was going to celebrate by going down the stairs in a sleeping bag. One of my favorite things about the new house was that it has stairs (3 sets) which I have so been missing! Of course with all that was going on it didn't happen the first night. In fact it didn't happen for many weeks. But the important thing was that eventually it did happen. :)

The girls holding hands in the car was not instructed or prompted. It was a proud mommy moment, where I felt that I had done a good job teaching my girls to be loving.

CUTEST thing! Really, I love this! MiKaylah has been doing A LOT of darling things this last 2 months. So many in fact that I am worried I will never remember them all.

-When she tries to make the pig noise she blows raspberries instead of Oinking. lol

-When she sees a mouse in any book she has to kiss it.

-She loves to buckle her car seat, high chair, and any other buckle available.

-I love her curls in back, but I also LOVE her in pig-tales!

-She squishes my nose when she wants me to say "HONK" and taps it when she wants me to say "BEEP."

-She loves to be nakey! She knows how to take off her dresses and shirts and wants to put on her own pants.

-She pushes out her lips in a perfect circle when she says, "no, no!" I can't help but laugh!