Monday, November 17, 2008

Greatest Hero!

Who Is Your Hero?

Super Hero? Batman...all the way!

Real Life Hero? (Someone you know personally) My husband! He is the best example I have.

Political Hero? Abraham Lincoln.

Literary Hero? (That means fictional character from a book) Marmee off Little Women, and Adicus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird.

Historic Hero? Winston Chirchill...and his father too.

Book of Mormon Hero? Heleman

Bible Hero? (Besides Christ cause He is everyone's ultimate hero) Peter

If you were a super-hero what would your power be? Read Minds

What would your symbol be? um...a lightbulb? lol

Family History Hero? Mary Fielding Smith!

What is the most heroic thing you have ever witnessed? Everytime my husband does some kind of work, like tiling, electric work, installments, carpeting, wood flooring, yard work, painting etc., I think that is heroic cause he never expects anything for his work.

What is the most heroic thing you have ever done? I once helped a handicapped girl up the stairs. I think it really helped her out cause she seemed to be struggling.

There is a hero in all of us, what is your trait(s) that make you one? I think maybe my concideration of other's feelings.

Who has become your newest hero in the past week? Mr. Peggoty from David Copperfield, written by Charles Dickens...and his nephew Ham.

Now it is your turn. Once you have read this you must copy it to your blog/myspace and change the answers for yourself!