Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans Day!

I usually don't even know that it is Veterans Day. It really isn't a holiday that people take much notice of, but a couple weeks ago changed all that for me. My friends and I were at the park for our play date when Lindy was like "Is that a man over there in that ditch?" It scared me at first cause I was thinking it was a drunk bum or something. (I guess I have heard too many Bundy stories) From what I could see he was in a blue blaizer and had a tool, so I was like "I think it is a worker doing maintenance." (blonde moment I guess). But as we looked closer we saw that it was a cane!!! This poor little old man had fallen into the ditch and couldn't get out!

So we helped him get to the Sr Center he was trying to get to for his supper. The first thing that he did was show us his medals from fighting in WWII. He was so proud of them. He has a purple heart and a presidential medal. So when I saw that Veterans Day was coming up I decided to get the girls together and go visit him and listen to his stories.

He is a really funny man! He kept us laughing through the whole visit. He was shot 5 times while at Waterloo by a machine gun! His Friend who was just 20 pases off was shot in the head and killed. His name is Leonard, which is also my grandfather's name, and he was also shot in the head. He said that his son has all his clothes and helmet which have holes in them. He served 5 years total. And although he was injured in 1943 he continued to serve until he was released in 1945. He said that he just always had to vlunteer.

This is Lindy and I think that she is a hero too! She was the one who saw him and insisted on making sure he was okay and walking to the Sr Center with her tiny baby so they could come and get him after he'd fallen. I cannot imagine what would have happpened to him if she hadn't noticed him. Thank goodness!
So don't forget today all the people who have fallen for you to have a free country, freedom of religion and freedom to work and make so much money that you can have a computer. I know that right now with the man who has been elected as president there is a lot of fear. The future is uncertain but I am still proud to be an American.


Erik said...

What a wonderful and inspiring story! I'm so glad you all had the kindness and courage to go help him! Veteran's Day is not a holiday I usually think about either, but from now on I will remember it and the wonderful people who have served our country throughout the years.

Shellece said...

I swear that that I saw this guy a year or two ago in the newspaper or on the news. It was a story about all the medals he had won. I might be wrong but him and his home look very familiar. Glad to see people out there still show compassion to others.

Simcah Reid said...


That is such a cool story. I am crying right now. Of course. I love taking my kids to the veterans day parade. I always cry when I see the veterans waving to us.