Monday, June 6, 2011

Utah Air Muesum

May 7th, We went to the Air Museum with my parents and my sister, Simcah's family. It was so awesome! The kids were actually really well behaved even with their cousins. It was a great afternoon and a fun thing to do for something different.
Mike's favorite plan was this one. Don't ask me why, because i could not tell the diff, but I grabbed a shot of him with it.

Here is Tsadakah and her cousin Moriella in front of my fav. lol I love antiques! I tried to explain to Tsadakah that this was he first plane made (or a replica) and she either didn't get it, or didn't think that it was cool. kids!

I wanted to get a picture of Sadye in front of this women pilot. I am greatful that we have equal rights to vote and to be respected. I am glad that men can't take advantage o a woman in like a divorce situation like in the old times. I still believe that women should stay in their respective roles according to God's design, but I am glad that we have honor too.

Funny side story, I go to the gym and watch movies while on the tredmill. last week when I was there they were playing Nigt At the Museum 2, you know the one with Amilia Earheart, and I must have been really emotional that day because I started crying. I was like, "You go girl!" It made me proud to be a woman and greatful for the strength and sacrefices that other women have had to go through to make it all possible.

This pic of Ellie jumping for joy makes me laugh! It puts a smile in my heart! She is so like this! She is into frogs right now! That is who she pretends to be. She was either really excited or really bored. lol
My dad is so great with children! He makes things fun for them, but he also expects more out of them, that they behave and that they understand the world around them. He is actually explaining to her what the bombs are. CUTE! hehe

Mike and Eliannah in front of the mini display. It was a memorable experience and I would deffinately go again!

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