Eliannah is so funny! She is always laughing and seeing life on the silly side. she has a great sense of humor, but some of the funniest things she says, she doesn't even understand why they are so funny. She will repeat them just because she knows that they made me laugh so hard.

For Martin Luther King Jr day I got out my paper dolls for the girls to play with. They were having a great time looking through them and the clothes that the dolls came with (its the whole family)
Eliannah said, "Who would wear these clothes, they are horrible!"
hahaha I personally am a fan of the styles from the 1950's, but
apparently she is not.

Loving sister.
Eliannah is beginning to develop herself as an older sister. she is now doing things more and more with just
MiKaylah. Like when
Tsadakah is at school. She is loving and fair most of the time. Whenever
MiKaylah takes something from her she cries but she never fights back or hits. I am proud of her for that!

In her hand is a tiny purple elephant. She loves it. It is her
favorite toy right now. She gt it for Christmas from her cousin Asher. She tells everyone about it when they are around. "This is my purple elephant. I got it from Asher-boy!"
One of the other cute things she is doing right now is telling us what she wants us to say. "can I have a cookie? say 'Yes, darling!" Everything ends with "darling."
And best of all, when she's excited, she runs. She runs in circles when she is waiting for me to finish MiKaylahs book and read her favorite book next. (Its: Rainbow Fish) Or when she is going to get a treat or get to help with making some cookies.
She's my little firecracker. We love her dearly!
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