This week has been full of miss hap's! Some of them funny, and some of them sad! laugh if you will, this has been a WEEK!
First, I was doing the laundry and had just finished pouring the liquid tide into the machine. Mike has built me a cupboard above the machines to put the soap and drier sheets etc into to keep it organized. I have to stand on my tippie toes to get it in. So I am putting it back when the lid pops off and I pour about three cups worth of Tide on my head, my eye, my mouth and the floor! I was so shocked at first I just stood there. I didn't believe that it happened. Then I touched my hair thinking that I could maybe squeeze some out and put it into the machine so it wouldn't be wasted. That just spread it further into my hair, which I had just that morning washed, blow-dried and curled! That's when I wanted to cry! But I quickly changed my mind and decided that the whole thing was so ridiculous that I had to laugh! So I walked up the stairs like a creature from the blue lagoon. Literally dripping with the blue gunk! My eye squeezed shut and my arms out to the side to keep tide from dripping on the floor. I had a good laugh about it with Mike and the kids.
Second, the next day I broke one of the glasses that I got in Israel when I was dusting! It was a special dyed glass that they hand blow in Hebron! It is so sad!
Third, the day after that I broke an antique goblet that I inherited from my passes grandmother. I received a set of 8. This was the first one to have broken! I was sad! The rims were painted with real silver. They are beautiful! It knocked over in the cupboard went I was getting something else out.
Third, two days later I was putting my contacts in. The right eye one must have gotten flipped inside out and I hadn't checked for that so it was really bothering my eye. I had moved on to curling my hair so I had un-plugged the glade plug in. My eye was still bothering me tho and I thought that I just needed to rub it to force it into the right place, so I gave it a good hard rub. BAD IDEA! my eye and whole right side of my face started burning! The concentrated perfume from the candle had gotten on my hand! It was a chemical burn! It hurt so bad and my eye was a constant drip of tears. I quickly removed my contact and washed my face with hot water. It was too late though, my eye and cheek swoll up and were red and puffy! Later when that was over I tried to put my contact back in but it still had perfume on it and burned my eye again! Uggg!
Fourth, MiKaylah scratched Tsadakah when they were playing. It scabbed over and we were just waiting for it to heal. Then Tsadakahs clothes snagged it when she was pulling them off over her head and ripped it right off. She was blooding a lot and she was very upset about it! Poor thing. Now she is afraid to take the band-aid off her cheek.
Lastly, on Sunday, I was getting the kids ready for church. MiKaylah's hair turned out so darling that I thought, I am going to take a picture of her before we go to church cause she is just looking so darling! Well, I did get my chance to take her picture, but it wasn't of cuteness! While I was dong Tsadakahs hair she had reached up and gotten hold of the hair putty. She grabbed a huge handful and rubbed, plastered, and worked it all in there.
Look at that face! She is like oops, I'm in trouble! Ok, maybe I did get a picture of her cuteness. She is cute no matter what!Her new thing is that she quickly says "sorry" as soon as she has upset something or someone. even when something is not her fault she with say it in her cute lil sweet voice and you just melt. You can't be mad at that!
Tsadakah also wanted a picture of her and look how gorgeous she is! I was going to take a pic of Eliannah as long as I had the camera out, but when I turned around to get one, she had pulled her hair out! I had not time to take a picture of her after I re did her hair...and MiKaylahs.
Hahaha. That was so funny. I am glad I finally got to read it. It was worth the wait. Sad about grandma's goblet and your vase. I think Aunt DeAnne might have extras if you need a replacement. Her kids don't want any.
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