Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Cleaning

I actually love spring cleaning! I dedicate a whole week to it for the vernal equinox. I was going to do deep cleaning all day Monday, but things just got in the way and I barely got to tidy up by 2. It was a slow going start. Tuesday I had many interruptions throughout the day so i didn't really get to do everything I had planned or to get into a good long project. Wednesday I thought was still Tuesday (probably due to my lack of production) which really fouled me up! Good thing I had Mike around to help me. So I really didn't get to my cleaning until more than half way through the week!
The things that I cleaned were walls, windows, window wells, window screens, picture frames, and kitchen cupboards. I also spent many many hours outside in the beautiful weather cutting the grapevines. We have a wonderful Arbor and it was one of my favorite things about this house, but it was WAY over grown (probably 5 years since its been pruned) There is so much to cut and it is tedious work because I have to carefully examine each to determine whether it is possibly fruitful or not and then switch back and forth between my big loppers and little sheers. Come Saturday i still didn't have everything done that I wanted to do, so i will have to save cleaning the carpets and the couches and the kitchen chairs for later and try to squeeze them in her and there.

Other things that we have done:
Tuesday night we went to the Primary Pizza Party that the kids earned by being reverent. Mike was off so he was able to be there. It was nice to have him with us! I had such a great time with the kids. They had a parachute that they were having the kids shake and then run under. During one of the times that they wanted the kids to just shake it, MiKaylah crawled under and sat there with the parachute making her hair stick out all over with electricity. It was so cute I had to get video of it on my phone! The leader (who is pregnant) crawled under to save her when she noticed. I popped up laughing that I, her mother, didn't stop it but instead was just making a video. lol
My grandmother's sister passed away. :( I went to her funeral on Saturday. It was a beautiful funeral. I cried myself into a headache, but what a beautiful life she led. I came away from the service wanting to be a better person. I want to be a better wife and mother, and yet, I also was reminded that we don't have to be perfect in order to be deeply loved. They gave each family a book of her poetry written on the subject of mothering. It is so fabulous. I have enjoyed reading it. All my love in thoughts and prayers to you and your family, Maydene Brown Bodell.
My favorite moment of the week was taking the girls out to our circle to teach them to ride their bikes. This is no small task at all! They each need SO much of my help that we don't get far before I am tuckered out and I wanna go home. haha. But on this day Eliannah decided to abandon her bike and run along side use yelling, "You can't catch me! You can't catch me!" Then she would turn around and run...with her tutu stuck in her panties! hahaha I love my life so much! These fun girls are everything I live for. They are always with me and that is the way I prefer it to be.