February was a fun month. I have done the things that I have blogged about throughout the month but I also wanted to touch on some of the things that I didn't share for one reason or another.
My brother, Gault and his wife Janet, added a new baby boy to their home! :) New life is always exciting. Although they live in Cali and we wont see them for months still we were very excited for them. He was the perfect addition to their family.
I volunteered for the first time in Tsadakah's class. I had visited her class for presentations and I have volunteered after hours, but it wasn't until Mike started swing that I was able to go to her classroom and help out. I love seeing how she interacts with the other kids and meeting the kids she talks about. They are all sweet kids and my heart is falling in love with them even though I have only been there twice. I used to want to be a teacher, I think those are the reasons I wanted to be a teacher, to connect with the precious little children. Have I mentioned before that I love her teacher?
More bows! Yes, as promised, pictures of the new various styles that I have been experimenting with. First, felt! I think that I enjoy making these more that I love the way that they look. They are just so fun.
On Valentines Day I didn't take pictures of my gifts because my ring needed to be re-sized, but here they are now. Mike got me a new ring because my original one was too big. I lot of people asked why not just get it re-sized? Well because we weren't sure things wouldn't change again. I know that some people wouldn't want to wear anything but the ring that was put on their finger the moment of their vows, but I like it. I new ring, new style, its fun! I hope I get another one in seven more years. ;)
I love my purses! I haven't had one in 5 years and I am LOVING it! I can't believe all the things I have been missing.

He also sanded and re-finished the front entry way. (previous owners dogs scratched it up pretty bad) It turned out beautiful too!

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