This has been an amazing week! On Monday I went to a friend's house and we made St. Patty's necklaces. It was something that Tsadakah really wanted to do, so I made it happen. I loved getting to know my friend Annie and her family better while having fun and making Tsadakah's wish come true. Annie also has 2 frogs, which Eliannah got to hold. She is obsessed with frogs so I thought that she would be over joyed and she did like seeing them, but holding them freaked her out! She dropped the poor thing!
On Tuesday night we had another girls night. It was oobers of fun! We had chocolate and played scum! I feel that we had a good showing and some of the ladies expressed that they were so glad to have a girls night for fun cause it had been a while and they needed it. After the game died down we talked until late. It was so great to get to know them even more!
On Wednesday I took Tsadakah to her all day Kindergarten early and stayed for the "Show What You Know" which is a short performance of the things the the kids have learned this term. They started the assembly by having the pledge of allegiance and ALSO singing the National Anthem! It brought me to tears to see my girl being patriotic. I am SO grateful for this school! I hope it never changes.
For the show she recited the first part of the Gettysburg Address! It is so awesome what they expect and what she accomplishes there. She did so great and I am so proud of her!On Thursday night (well actually it was early afternoon) we went on a date! Mike took me to Sushi! It was yummy of course. My fav was the Mexican crunch roll. After that we stopped at Home Depot and picked out our new back sliding glass door! I am so excited.
Loved our little baby sitter that we had. She was SO cute about the girls, and she didn't just have them watch TV which is top notch in my book. But she left something at out house so after dinner we went on a walk over to return it. She wasn't home but her lil sister was (Addy is 10) and she played with Tsadakah, letting her ride her motorized scooter. She really likes my kids and she is so fun!
Friday we went to the zoo! It was something we haven't done for a while.

What a great post!! Your girls are getting so big and they are SOOOOOOO cute!
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