We went to the Odgen train museum. It was real neat! The girls enjoyed the train. My dad came with us, which was a real treat! He is busy a lot so it was nice to have his time. Tsadakah liked seeing the trains going around, and Eliannah loved the little men, horses, and houses along the way. She wanted us to open the glass and get her a horse to play with. She kept saying, "I just want one!"
Tsadakah really wanted to play with the big train, but it was too cold. They only lasted five minutes on it. I was hoping it would last longer so that I could get more pictures, so here is all I got.
One of the things that I didn't know before was that the railway was built largely by Chinese people. It was cool to learn so many new things! We also visited the John M. Browning gun museum. I learned a little there. Then we went to Javier's (the original) one of my FAVORITE mexican resturants! yum! Then we went back to see the cars. I love old cars! They are so fascinating! I remember when Mike and I were engaged I used to get so excited whenever we saw one. He got into a habit of pointing them out just to watch me flip a lid. :)
Eliannah and I are making the train whistle! whoo whoo!
Okay, so this wasn't as much of a hit as it would have been if we had had three boys, but we are glad we did it.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Train Museum
Posted by Rivkah Wilberg at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Laurel & Hardy Party
Growing up, my favorite thing to do with my parents was to watch Laurel and Hardy. My mother laughs so hard at the silliness that there is now way to avoid laughing too! So since I haven't seen the films for a long time, I suggested this party. We all wore black and white and had pizza, while watching these wonderful movies! I was a night full of laugher and fun!
My sister, Leah, came with her husband, Troy, and their kids, plus some friends which was so much fun!
MiKaylah wont keep her bows on anymore. :( they only last 10 seconds before she pulls them off. *sigh, I guess she isn't a DIVA.
My Dad pretended to be Laurel and my mom pretended to be Hardy. They are a wonderful couple. Tsadakah and her cousin making silly faces.
Some of our favorite episodes which we watched were: Men O' War, Bohemian Girl (esp. loved the wine bottling scene), Comunity Hospital, and Sons of the Desert. There are so many more that we also love, but there just wasn't enough time. *sigh! How I love LAUGHTER, and how I love my family! I'm thankful to have support from them in doing such silly parties.
Posted by Rivkah Wilberg at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sabath Humor
So Mike got mandetoried at work both Saturday and Sunday. It has been a long weekend! I feel tired and so does he. Looking at the silver lining, with all the overtime pay we will be able to pay a big chunk off of his medical bill that came in for his leg, that almost happened a year ago.
So rather than re schedule my Visiting Teching appointements, again, I decided to take them with me. Two of the women we teach are the kind of grandmothers who have lil glass trinkets all at a child's level! I mean come on! So on the way there I was drilling my kids about not touching things. I armed myself with a bag of candy and said that for every house we came out of that they didn't touch anything I would give them one.
My partner took it a step further and said, she is really mean and if you touch her things and break it then she will get mad at you. (This was a total lie because this woman is super nice) Then, just as we are pulling into the woman's driveway, Tsadakah says, "I promise to sit on the couch and not touch a thing. But I hope that Eliannah does and that she breaks it."
We were laughing so hard! The things kids say!
Another cute and funny thing that I wanted to share from a few weeks ago, Tsadakah's new CTR 5 teacher is Denelle Miner, my best friend here who we see at least three times a week for one thing or another. Needless to say, Tsadakah is familiar with her and calls her by name. Well the first day of church, Denelle took her aside and told her that she needed to call her Sister Miner while they are at church although she knows her as Denelle any other day. Then during class, Denelle called on Tsadakah, calling her Sadye, and Tsadakah said, "I know that you call me Sadye during the week, but on sunday you need to call me Tsadakah." :) Im so proud ofmy sweetie!
Posted by Rivkah Wilberg at 4:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 14, 2011
New year's Resolution
For a long time I wasn't sure if I was going to have one this year. I just kept thinking of tons of things that I needed to be better at and soon, I was overwhelmed! But then, on Epiphany day, (did you know that there is an epiphany day? I read it on my calender. I have no idea what it is, like is everyone supposed to get an epiphany on that day? If anyone could tell me, I'd appreciate that. lol) I got this...well...epiphany! It was a mental image of a tree whose roots, trunk, limbs and leaves all represented me inside.
So this year my resolution is going to be different than in the past. Instead of my goals being action oriented, like finish projects or keep house clean etc, my goal will be to have a make over on the inside. This is my tree soul:
- Roots=Childlike
- Trunk=Positive Perspective
- Limbs=Adorable, Happy, Loving, Faithful, Forgiving
- Leaves=all things that nourish or help accomplish the limbs.
The roots could not survive without the leaves and visa verse. I want to feel healthy inside my soul. The best me possible!
Of course the only way to be able to reach a goal is to have a measurable increments/actions. So I guess I didn't totally escape having an action goal. I have made these for each part of my tree, but I'm not going to go into them all because that would take too much time, but there is one that I wanted to discuss.
Love: I believe that we all only experience a sliver of the love that is available to us. If we were to draw nearer to God and experience His love more then we would be able to love our families with a greater magnitude as well. Sometimes we are afraid of how overpowering and strong true love really feels, like people in the bible were afraid of the angels who visited them. At first they were intimidated by the angels presence and don't understand it, but we as the audience knows that the angel is an extremely spiritual and good being.
Love is like that. We, or at least I know I do, shy away from opening myself up to the intense or overwhelming amounts of love. Like when I'm playing with my kids and I feel so in love with them that my heart feels like it is going to burst, it takes my breathe away so much that the intensity scares me, so I find myself using an excuse that I need to clean something or cook something. Its silly, I know! That is why it is my goal to be more loving. I want to embrace that love which I feel from God and then be a vessel of that love pouring it down upon my children and husband.
Posted by Rivkah Wilberg at 5:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Christmas 2010
Merry Merry Christmas, finally! We had tonz of fun, but these pctures are majorly out of order. Sorry for ya! :) At my parents house we did the nativity play. Eliannah was an angel. She was so excited about that fact that she wouldn't stop ancing about. ha ha. Here she is playing with her gift from her cousin Carson, Sleeping Beauty and its cute lil horse. (she also got the Snow White)

Mike got a number of nice things from my family's get together. He got a weighted jumprope, workout gloves, and some kind of tools and meters, which I dont understand. lol
Posted by Rivkah Wilberg at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
In Sept I got a Blackberry which i thought I would be able to do everything on so we cancelled the internet. That is why it has been so long since I have really blogged. Here are some catch up pictures so that i can get on with 2011.
MiKaylah's 6 month pictures. She is so smiley. She is just the happiest baby!
Eliannah is Gorgeous! I took this of her watching TV cause come on, who could resist. She gets away with a lot because of that cute face I'm afraid.

so here she is with her first success on the subject. i used the same princess dolls when potty training Sadye and she is a helpful proud big sister (who actually was really jealous.)
Ellie's favorite princess right now is Cinderella so that is who she chose first.

Eliannah eating Thanksgiving dinner.

Mike helping out. He is not only handy and great at doing all the manly stuff, but he is also a great chef! We appreciate his help in the kitchen so much on days like this when we are trying to make a huge meal!

My sister, Simach, and her new baby, Zeek!

MiKaylah sleeping. I always nab a pic of my babies sleeping around this age. There is just something about it that inspires me to grab my camera!

I said it before and Ill say it again, I love this little girl!

MiKaylah at Zeek's blessing in St. George.

Eliannah in the fall leaves.

My dad also ran it, seeing as it was the Layton Marrathon. He did fabulous! He came in only like 15 min. after Mike and he won first place in his age rank! So glad that we could be a part of this with him and do this all together.
It was a really cold day and wet too. Eliannah passed the time by playing in the mud. It was cute at first, but then it got out of hand, as all kids fun does. Infact I almost missed getting a picture of Mike coming in because I was trying to clean mud off her.

This is Mike with his medal, recovering. I think that he was 26th in his age rank! he did so well!

Here he is coming across the finishline. I think that it is just a great shot of him!

Fall leaves. Me and my girls...my baby was home.
Tsadakah was Tiona, from The Frog Princess, but nobody seemed to be able to figure that out from the costume alone. Everyone kept thinking that she was a flower, so I got her that frog to carry around with her...it didn't help, but she has loved having it as a toy.
Eliannah was the princess from the Swan Princess and MiKaylah was Belle, so it was a princess/prince theme! I loved that I found this tiny wig for La La. She was darling in it and everyone thought that she was a doll...litterally. It really threw them for a loop.

MiKaylah found her feet.
Posted by Rivkah Wilberg at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 7, 2011
Tender part II
Oh my goodness! This gorgeous Little Girl makes me so happy! I love being a mom! How could anyone not think she is the most beautiful thing in the world? Breathe TAKING!
Posted by Rivkah Wilberg at 7:10 AM 0 comments