I'm going to be honest, December seems more like a blur! What did I spend all my time doing? I was working on a
scrap booking Mike's, mission as a gift, so the house always seemed to be a mess, wrapped
presents and we watched a lot of
TV. Every Christmas special, we watched it, even the dumb ones. But it all lead up to this glorious night. I love Christmas eve! There is something so magical about it.

The lights set a romantic mood after the sun has gone down so early. Then
there's eating good food and thinking about the true meaning of Christmas.
Michael made the most amazing roast I have ever had in my life! It was perfectly done! I was savoring every bite!
While we were eating the doorbell rang and someone doorbell ditched a baby Jesus in a manger on our doorstep! It was life size, not a little one from a Nativity set. My girls loved that so much! They each wanted to have a turn caring for baby Jesus. It was so precious and it made our evening so special! Whoever you are, thank you so much! It was a gift that will never be forgotten and re-used forever!

Here is our stockings hung by the
chimney with care. I love that our new house has a
fireplace! It i so beautiful and fun t have this here!

My tree is so simple. You might think that after having done that magnificent tree that I would want a polished and perfect tree, but this tree that has my kids ornaments, and my traditions and my memories and my Christmas cards on it is perfect to me. Iv been using the same stream of stars since Mike and I got this tree and it seems to me to be symbolic of year after year of putting it up and taking it down.
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