Starting in November, my baby started showing signs of being ready to potty train. In fact I went over the list of skills she needs and she has them all down with flying colors. However, with he holidays and the new house and the fact that I dread potty training I kept putting it off. Well it was becoming a problem because she would just take her diaper off and go anywhere. Something had to be done! Yet, I still kept putting it off, until Martin Luther King Day when she refused to be put in a diaper. So I am potty training!

I had no idea how to potty train a baby so small! I didn't feel like she would understand or be motivated by charts or any of that so I talked to my friend, Angie< who potty trains all her kids as soon as they are walking! It is basically you cut the diapers cold turkey and let natural
consequences teach the child. It was working really great until she got sick and then I lost my focus and got distracted with projects so we are still in the process of training, but she is doing so well! I am impressed with how quickly she has gotten in and how much control she has. She is a very smart girl who watches people and learns from them. When she goes she'll say, "
AHHH" which is what Ellie does.
Other mimics that she is making, she fake burps after she drinks, she scrunches up her nose and squints back at me whenever I do it to her, she will copy your dance moves, and she laughs when you laugh.

Seriously, I am so proud of her potty training skills! She
is doing an amazing job without
the bribes of
toys and charts. She wants to do it for her own reasons. She is such a sweet heart!
Love the pictures. She such a smarty pants. She needs too teach JJ how to talk. :)
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