Here we are running down the street at midnight screaming and yelling and trying to be as loud as possible. There were a few neighborhood fireworks that we saw go off and one other person out who wished us a happy New Year.
This is me with Yumi, Ramsom (my brother) and Erin. They came all the way from Japan to spend Christmas with us! It was a very special time and my girls loved playing with them. Tsadakah still talks about them. His wife Kieko was still in the house. She is an amazing person.
Before that we had Hannukkah. It was a fun and beautiful thing! It included lighting the candles and singing the prayers, which I love to hear my dad sing. It is beautiful to me and reminds me of childhood.
We also played dradle which is fun. We played the speedy version where any time a person has to leave the game because they are all out of candy you up the anti.
The rule is that you are not allowed to blow the candles out, they have to burn out on their own, s it is common to still and watch them at least for a little while. I remember my father used to put them into the window and I would watch them until the last one burnt out. Its so peaceful and relaxing!
Before that we did a Nativity play. It was Tsadakah's year to be Mary but she declined the role. She said that she wanted to be an angel again because I call her my angel-baby. Really sweet! Here is the curtain call. Four wise men, Mary, Joseph, and our star baby Jesus :), 2 angels, a cow, a horse, and a shepherd.

The wise men. My nieces were so cute in it. Christ in Christmas was an all new concept for them. They played their parts beautifully.
Tsadakah was so so so cute! She was killing me with her dramatic flare, but then she would always break character to wave to mom! She makes me so happy!
Eliannah was also an angel, but in being rambunctious behind the scenes she had ripped her skirt. Here she is coming to tell me. She didn't want to be in it after that. :(
Look at that pose Tsadakah is doing! It mkes me giggle. I missed the shot, but she was looking over her shoulder at me like, "Are you getting this mom? I am looking so fabulous!"
"And Mary took the new born babe and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger..."
Before that, we opened presents. My mom gave everyone a blanket. Tadakah is a blanket-a-holic. If she could sleep under a hundred blankets, she would. Every one that my mom has made her is her "special" blanket! She adores my mom!
Eliannah was being silly with Grandma and the bows. She is such a silly personality. She can be absolutely fabulously photogenic!
My dad built every one of us a solar heating oven. It was pretty cool. He tried it a couple weeks ago and they re-heated some food. He said it wont be able to cook from scratch until summer time. He loves to make home made gifts to show his love!
Mike's blanket was the Packers because that is his team. We loved that they won the super bowl last year!! :)
MikKaylahgrabbing her blanket! haha
Eliannah got a Dora blanket. She loves her right now, so that was perfect. My mom put a lot of thought into these blankets to geive what we would truly love.
For our exchange this year we did books. Moriella and Tsadakah! :) Tsadakah was pretty excited to give her selection to Moriella. It was called St. George and the Dragon. She loves our copy and that was ok with me because they live there so it was extra fun!
Eliannah and Erin exchanging their books. Ellie got her How Many Is A Million.
MiKaylah, reading her new book with Daddy! She got too even!
Before we opened presents we sang carols together. We love to sing. Its kooky to go caroling these days, but singing the carols just with family is always beautiful. Here Moriella is dancing to the music. She can be quite a hoot some days.
Mike and Tsadakah singing. (Tsadakah doesn't sing at church. It makes me sad, but she never has. even if she knows the song word for word, like I Am A Child Of God.)
So this was our holiday celebration shibang! We loved family and fun and we were litterally exhausted by the end. Eliannah put herself to bed somewhere in there and didn't make it to midnight.
Happy New Year!
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