Mike and I really wanted to follow the prophets advice to not over schedule our kids. We decided that we would let them choose one activity at a time. I was planning to put them into dance this summer, but then they decided they wanted to do swim lessons instead. So I was disappointed. I LOVE ballet and I've always wanted my girls to be, so I have decided to home teach them. :) It was very fun! This was the kick off day! I was taking more pictures than teaching but we all had a good time. So far, in the 3 weeks we have done it, we have learned and practiced: the feet positions, arm positions, plies, and exploring the shapes we can make with our bodies. Tsadakah came up with some silly animal shapes, like a camel that spits! haha it was really funny and made me laugh so hard. I got a video of it I will have to share.

Eliannah was more interested in jumping like a frog. No surprise there. But she learned more than she let on. She was showing my dad things that she had learned and I was happy to see all that she had remembered. :)
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