We wanted to do something to thank Randle and Joy Hinton for towing our car for us so we invited them over for a BBQ-FHE. It was really nice. They were good company. We played a get to know you game which the kids could join in on. Tsadakah was thrilled to have Corbin come to her house to play! We teach them in primary but it is so fun to see them get a chance to play together since church is always so structured.
One Tuesday I had a play-date with Jen Bullock. She had to come to me though because I had no car:( She was fun to get to know. Her son is the same age as Eliannah and they played so well together after they stopped fighting over toys. lol She is spunky and fun which is why she gets along so well with boys. She loves to run and jump and be crazy. I call her my rough-n-tumble girl.
So my Kia is officially beyond our repair abilities. Mike did get it running again for 3 days, but then it stalled on him this time and he said that he doesn't think he will ever fully trust it and that I need a reliable car. We have looked into all our options and it seems that buying a new VAN is where we are headed. I did offer Mike the chance to buy the truck that he has been dreaming of, but he knows how be a true man and do what is best for his family.
Tsadakahs class was doing a field trip to the Zoo. I have a season pass and so It just made sense for me to volunteer to go. I had to get a sitter for my younger ones and a ride to and from the school so I was completely dependant on the kindness of others. I owe Tiffany and Arianne for their generousness. Going to the zoo and being with Tsadakah was so fun! I loved being able to giver her my all.
The Tiger was very fun this time. He kept pacing back and forth and I was able to get great shots of him. 
The teacher put 2 parents in charge of 4 kids for the day. It was not bad at all! Here is our lil group. Amber, Tsadakah, Alex, and Brandon.
Brandon was extremely sweet and also hated to get his picture taken. heheheThe kids on the tigers roaring!
More of the fabulous Tiger!
My sweetheart! I just love her! She is litterally my angel-baby!
Eating lunch!
We met with the rest of the class for the bird show. It was the best that I have ever seen! And not having to chase little ones around made me enjoy it more too!I got fabulous pictures of the birds too.
Elephant family. I rarely see them together so I wanted to have this picture. :)
My girl and me at the bird show.
White Owl
Tsadakah's friend from class, Gacee, was chosen to feed the dove. It was funny because after eating from her hand it perched on her head.
Awesome shot!
More of the Tiger.
It was a fun fun trip and I enjoyed getting to know the other moms as well as spending quality time with my big girl.
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