Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So, besides taking pictures and practicing ballet the week of April 22-28, I also painted our new sliding glass door frames, volunteered at Tsadakah's school, and enjoyed the warm air. Best of all was the end of the week, when Mike's sister, Debbie, again visited with her family. Friday night she came up just her. We loved having her all to ourselves!!! Tsadakah hung on her every word. We stayed up late talking and laughing and bonding. She is an amazing woman and great to talk to! The next morning we did her Insanity DVD for a work out. I really kept saying "that's insane!" Hun, go figure. We had such a good time and Mike made us breakfast with caramelized onions and spinach omelette's. For the rest of the day she was building the deck with Mike. He really liked having her help and she was excited to learn because she wants to do one for herself next summer. :) Just in time for lunch Cesar, Bobbie, Sarah, and Brooklynn showed up. We hung out and had a good time.
 Eliannah with her big ball from Grandma on her bday!
 MiKaylah and Eliannah
 Bobbie holding onto MiKaylah on the brand new railings Mike made! So, exciting! He made such a beautiful deck!
 Tsadakah, dancing to Pandora.
 Me, cooking din-din.
Bobbie is an amazing photographer. She has so much talent and she is only in High School. She takes great and interesting pictures every time she uses my camera. Brooklynn played with my girls for hours. It was so nice to have her entertain them! Shes a sweetie. Bobbie and Sarah looked through my dance pictures and I told them all my stories from dating, good and bad. They were super fun to talk to and they made me feel young again. hee hee.

For dinner we had lasagna and french bread and sat for long hours talking and playing games. Tsadakah loves to draw questions from a hat and we all answer them. After we finished with that we played the ten fingers game. There was pie for dessert and love in our heart.

I really hated to see them go. Oh and I showed them how to make bows and they loved it. They will definitely be doing them all summer!