My friend, Jenn, is a really good photographer. She is also super generous. So she suggested that we go on a hike as families to Ensign Peak and she would teach me how to use my manual settings. It was so fun to hike up there. Eliannah was heartbroken when Tsadakah and Sammy went ahead of her and she sat down in the dirt to give up. I had to encourage her and coax her the rest of the way up, but I think that she perked up at the end and decided to be happy.
Beautiful scene.
Even more beautiful scene.
I liked this one. don't know why.
I love that Tsadakah is always ready to pose for me. :)
Eliannah is more of a candid girl.
This is of nobody in particular, just liked the bubble I got. It was cool to take pictures without the stress of having it perfect for someone. I liked taking pictures and learning and just doing it for the art of it.
So sweet! Sammy was offering to help the girls across. When a little gentleman.
Soaking up the sun! Beautiful.
Tsadakah & Sammy.
MiKaylah & Jaydin, kicking up the dirt. MiKaylah thought that this was so funny, Jaydin thought it was odd.
You might have noticed a round soar on MiKaylah's forehead in some of my last posts, well she fell off the clubhouse and it was just a little scratch. But on the way home she started picking at it. She was in the back and I had no idea that she was doing it, but when I went to get her out she had it picked clean off and there was blood dripping down her face and all over her hands. I am not good with blood so I hyperventilated and panicked. I called Lisa to borrow these "no no's" which are braces that keep you from being able to bend your elbow.
As soon as we put them on her we asked her to touch her nose. This is her attempt. It was pretty funny and we all enjoyed laughing about it over and over again. Even she thought it was funny...
Until we told her it was time for bed and then she wanted them off. Look at that face! Sometimes it is really hard to do what is best for your kids when it makes them feel scared or uncomfortable. Even worse, though, is seeing them with a bloody face. She didn't cry longer than about 3 minutes once she was in her crib and she came to a point days later where she was asking for me to put them on her.
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