Also, see the Frankenstein in the top picture? Tsadakah said, "I can wait to see uncle Chris's scared face when he sees how scary your Frankenstein is, Mom." haha that made me laugh a lot.
Friday Stefanie and family showed up and we all ate together. I made Chicken Pot Biscuits. Everyone loved them. We put the kids to bed and stayed up until all hours of the night laughing and telling funninesses. :)
Saturday we had a big breakfast and then Simcah and family went home. We were sad to see them leave.
We got ready for pictures while watching the first session. Then we took these fun pictures between sessions. I have a lot of photographer friends and they are all complaining about how busy they are right now with family shoots and edits. I am really glad that I am not a pro. lol. It takes the pressure off.
I took more of Stefanie's family, but I haven't edited them yet so...
After the men got home from priesthood session we went to Asylum 49. A haunted house here in Tooele. We all went last year and it scared the pants off all of us! we were really excited, but this year we felt that it wasn't as scary. :( We still had fun and made memories. Mike jumped out at me and scared me so bad I hit my elbow. And then another time I got scared was by the character of Jack the Ripper scraping on a wall as he walked slowly beside me. Then just as I was going into the next room he breathed down my neck. Eeeekkk!
General Conference is on of my favorite...holidays? lol I do love it and I feel like every time it comes up the week before I am really needing a boost! I always feel spiritually fed by the talks and uplifted. My favorite talk was Jeffery R. Holland's talk. He knows how to make the scriptures come alive. They seem so real and you feel almost as if you were there yourself, looking into the eyes of your Savior! It was amazing and its message meant so much to me.
Also, the news about the ages being changed for missionaries touched me more than I expected. I started crying. I am not a feminist at all. I think that a woman is most empowered when she is where God wants her to be, in the home. But every once in a while I am shocked when I feel emotional and proud of the influence womanhood has in society. I don't know why but Amelia Earhart makes me emotional and so did this. I know in my heart that this change was truly inspired. I love President Monson and I support him in everything that he declares. :)
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