OK so these pictures are really mixed up chronologically. Stansbury Days, day two started with the adult triathlon. We didn't go to it cause it was early in the morning, but many women in my ward participated. One placing in the top 3 and the other in the top 10! Seriously athletic women! Inspirational.
They had a lady painting faces, which is always fun for kids. They sure love it.
Waiting for the parade to start.
This picture was taken at dusk. I was practicing my manual settings again. i think that it looks quite romantic!
This one too. Beautiful place we live in!
This is our Bishop. People here do everything in their golf carts, grocery shopping, church, driving it as a parade float. lol it is quite funny. I doubt that their carts see as much green as it does pavement. :)
This won the most creative award for Most Creative...at least in my book. :)
The pet store was there showing off their large snake. I can't believe Tsadakah touched it.
There were sidewalk chalk competitions too. Many of them were older, but i think that next year I will have Tsadakah do one. She is so artistic and I want her to get involved in the community too!
I had to take a picture of these guys! They started the First Robotics Club here in Stansbury. I was on the Science Olympiad team in Jr. High and these guys remind me of some of my first great accomplishments and successes. I worked on a science project called Mission Impossible and their Robot reminded me a lot of that. These guys went to the Salt Flat Circuits competition. 
Another thing that is right up the same ally was the catapult competition. The night before I had gone to Domino's to get pizza and this guy came in behind me asking if he could just have some pizza boxes. I asked if it was for the cardboard boat race, but he said close, the catapult. Then he went into all kinds of detail on his contraption. Theirs was the only one that went into the raft out in the lake. they won first place. Heehee, I knew this guy before he was famous. j/kFirst place prize, a raft. His son was way into dragons and they were able to use dry ice to make the dragon blow smoke out of its nose. :) Pretty cool. I love when people get really involved.
Have you seen this stand boarding? Mike is a natural. He has never fallen off. totally fun! There are so many things that we need to buy and use out here, being so close to the Lake!!
MiKaylah was loving on Elmo! This is her trying to get Elmo to dance with her.
And some smooching.
Looking deep and longingly into his eyes!
Oh no! Poor Elmo.
The bathrooms are as bad as out houses. They are seriously gross. MiKaylah kept saying "ewww! Stinky!" and plugging her nose like this. It was cracking me up so much!
Then there was also this car show. It is a big part of Stansbury Days. This guy was giving out candy like it was Halloween!
Tsadakah's favorite car. She loved the carlashes. I love old fashioned cars. I get so excited whenever I see one driving down the road.
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